Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Service Development Help : Working with OData Services : Supported and Unsupported OData Features
Supported and Unsupported OData Features
The OData service implementation in Integration Server supports the following OData features:
*ATOM, JSON, and XML formats for representing the resources that are exposed as data services.
*CRUD operations for each entity type.
*System query options such as $select, $filter, $orderby, $top, $skip, $format, $inlinecount, and $count.
*Association and navigation properties.
The OData service implementation in Integration Server does NOT support the following actions:
*Rename, copy, or move OData services.
*Copy and paste OData elements, such as entity types and complex types, within and outside the OData service editor.
*Rename OData associations and navigation properties.
*Rename External Entity Types.
The following OData features are NOT supported:
*Function Imports
*Referential constraints
*Collection type data type
*Lambda query operators
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