Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Using Integration Server to Build a Client for JMS : Working with JMS Triggers : Standard JMS Trigger Service Requirements
Standard JMS Trigger Service Requirements
The service that processes a message received by a standard JMS trigger is called a trigger service. Each routing rule in a standard JMS trigger specifies a single trigger service.
Before a JMS trigger can be enabled, the trigger service must already exist on the same Integration Server.
The signature for the trigger service must reference one of the following specifications:
*Use pub.jms:triggerSpec as the specification reference if the trigger service will process one message at a time.
*Use pub.jms:batchTriggerSpec as the specification reference if the trigger service will process multiple messages at one time. That is, the trigger service will receive a batch of messages as input and process all of those messages in a single execution. A trigger that receives and processes a batch of messages is sometimes referred to as a batch trigger.
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