About Retry Behavior for Trigger Services
When you configure transient error handling for a non-transacted JMS trigger, you specify the following retry behavior:
Integration Server should retry trigger services for the standard JMS trigger. Keep in mind that a trigger service can retry only if it is coded to throw ISRuntimeExceptions. For more information, see
Service Requirements for Retrying
a Trigger Service.
For a SOAP-JMS trigger, whether
Integration Server should retry web service operation that throw and an ISRuntimeException.
Note: | Integration Server does not apply the SOAP-JMS trigger transient error handling behavior to service handlers executed as part of processing web services. Integration Server treats all errors thrown by service handler as fatal errors. |
The maximum number of retry attempts
Integration Server should make for each trigger service.
The time interval between retry attempts.
How to handle a retry failure. That is, you can specify what action
Integration Server takes if all the retry attempts are made and the trigger service or web service operation still fails because of an ISRuntimeException. For more information about handling retry failures, see
Handling Retry Failure.