IData Object for Java Service Input and Output
An IData object is the universal container that Java services use for service input and output. A Java service method signature takes exactly one argument of type IData, and the same IData object contains the output from the service. An IData object contains an ordered collection of key/value pairs on which a service operates. For a key/value pair:
The key must be a String.
The value can be any Java object (including an IData object).
When you build a Java service in your own IDE, you must code the service to get the input values from the IData object that gets passed into the method that implements the service. You must also code the service to write all output values to this IData object.
For more information about how to work with the IData object for input and output, including sample code for getting and setting values in the IData object, see
Using an IData Object for the Java
Service Input and Output.