Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Service Development Help : Working with Elements : Opening Elements
Opening Elements
When opening elements from the Package Navigator view, keep the following points in mind:
*Double-click a folder to expand or collapse the contents of the folder in the Package Navigator view.
*If you have enabled the Version Control System (VCS) Integration feature of Designer, Designer might exhibit slowdowns, error messages (such as “Server version has changed” and “Session already in use”), and may stop responding completely when you expand a large element (such as a folder) in the Package Navigator view. This condition occurs because Designer checks the lock status of each element within the expanded element in the Integration Server.
To open elements in the editor
*In Package Navigator view, double-click the element you want to open.
You can also use the Open Integration Server Element dialog box to easily locate and open an element by typing any portion of the element name. To open the Open Integration Server Element dialog box, right-click anywhere in the Package Navigator view and select Open Elements from the context menu or press the CTRL+SHIFT+A keys in the keyboard.
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