Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Service Development Help : Validation Content Constraints : Constraining Facets
Constraining Facets
When you apply a content type to a variable, you can also set constraining facets for the content type. Constraining facets are properties that further define the content type. For example, you can set a minimum value or precision value for a decimal content type. Each content type has a set of constraining facets. The constraining facets described in the following table correspond to constraining facets defined in the specification XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes.
Constraining Facet
Usage Notes
The possible values for the variable at run time.
If you also entered possible values using the Pick list choices property in the General category of the Properties view, those values will be displayed at run time. However, the enumeration values will be used for validation.
The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point. For example, the fractionDigits of the value 999.99 is 2.
fractionDigits must be less than or equal to totalDigits.
The precise units of length required for the variable value.
If you specify length, you cannot specify either minLength or maxLength.
The upper bound of a range of possible values. The range excludes the value you specify. The variable can have a value less than but not equal to maxExclusive.
maxExclusive must be greater than or equal to minExclusive.
You cannot specify maxInclusive and maxExclusive for the same content type.
The upper bound of a range of possible values. The range includes the value you specify. The variable can have a value less than or equal to maxInclusive.
maxInclusive must be greater than or equal to minInclusive.
You cannot specify maxInclusive and maxExclusive for the same content type.
The maximum units of length permitted for the variable value.
maxLength must be greater than or equal to minLength.
The lower bound of a range of possible values. The range does not include the value you specify. The variable can have a value greater than but not equal to minExclusive.
minExclusive must be less than or equal to maxExclusive.
You cannot specify minInclusive and minExclusive for the same content type.
The lower bound of a range of possible values. The range includes the value you specify. The variable can have a value greater than or equal to minInclusive.
minInclusive must be less than or equal to maxInclusive.
You cannot specify minInclusive and minExclusive for the same content type.
The minimum units of length permitted for the variable value.
minLength must be less than or equal to maxLength.
A pattern (regular expression) that the value of the variable must match. For example, you can use a regular expression to specify that a variable that is a string content constraint match a Social Security number format.
The maximum number of decimal digits allowed in a value. For example, the totalDigits of the value 999.99 is 5.
totalDigits must be greater than or equal to fractionDigits.
The white space normalization performed on the variable value. The value of whiteSpace can be one of the following:
preserve: No white space normalization is performed.
replace: Carriage returns (#xD), line feeds (#xA), and tabs (#x9) are replaced with a single space (#x20).
collapse: After the white space normalization specified by replace is performed, sequences of spaces (#x20) and leading and trailing spaces (#x20) are removed.
Previous versions of XML Schema contained the constraining facets duration, encoding, period, precision, and scale. However, these constraining facets are not included in the recommendation of XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes. The constraining facets duration, encoding, and period were removed. precision was renamed totalDigits. scale was renamed fractionDigits. If you view a content type from an IS schema created from an XML Schema Definition that used pre-Recommendation version of XML Schema (before May 2001) the Content Type dialog box will display the constraining facets that were available in the pre-Recommendation version of XML Schema.
The word “fixed” appears next to the name of a constraining facet whose value is fixed and cannot be changed. When a facet has a fixed value, the facet is called a fixed facet.
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