Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Service Development Help : Building C/C++ Services : Service Development Projects in the Local Workspace : Format of a Service Development Project
Format of a Service Development Project
The Service Development Project contains:
*JRE system library
*“src” folder that contains Java packages
Designer creates Java packages that correspond to a C/C++ service's IS namespace and places them within the “src” folder of the project. For example, if a C/C++ service resides in the folder folderA.folderB, Designer creates the Java package “folderA.folderB” within the Service Development Project.
*Default .jar files that Designer includes in the project’s classpath
Designer adds several default .jar files to the project. These files are listed in uppercase (for example, IS_CLIENT and IS_SERVER).
*“class” folder where you can add any additional Java classes that your C/C++ service require; see Adding Classes to the Service Development Project
*“lib” folder where you can add any additional Java classes that are packaged in jar files; see Adding Classes to the Service Development Project
You might still need to add additional classes and jar files to Integration Server so that Integration Server can compile the service. For more information about managing IS packages and how Integration Server stores IS package information, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
The following shows the format of a Service Development Project and an example.
- projectName
+ JRE System Library
- src
+ classes
+ defaultJarFile(1)
+ defaultJarFile(n)
+ lib
- MyPackage[ServerA_5555]
+ JRE System Library
- src
- folderA
- folderA.folderB
+ classes
+ lib
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