Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Communicating between SoftwareAG Products Using Event Routing : Understanding Event Routing : Related Software AG Products and Components
Related Software AG Products and Components
The generic event driven architecture approach can be implemented by using different components for various roles, such as a messaging bus to transport the events, a common repository to hold the event type definitions, and a dashboarding tool to display the events. Currently Software AG offers you the following products and components for these roles:
Role in the event-driven architecture
Software AG component
Additional information
Message broker
webMethods Universal Messaging or webMethods Broker
Event framework
Software AG Event Routing
Event Routing is Software AG’s solution for event routing in the Software AG Common Platform.
Service bus
webMethods Integration Server
Integration Server is Software AG’s standards-based enterprise service bus that integrates technologies from any vendor, including ERP systems, databases, mainframes, Web services, and others. It provides built-in services for Event Routing.
Event type repository
Event Type Store (run-time component)
The Event Type Store is a run-time repository that contains schemas of the events on the messaging bus. The event types are required in order to interpret the payload of events on the messaging bus.
CentraSite Registry Repository (design-time component)
CentraSite enables you to archive, categorize and govern event type definitions.
Event type development tool
Software AG Designer, Events Development perspective
An Eclipse-based tool for creating and maintaining event types.
Event store
webMethods Event Persistence
A framework for persistence and simple analysis of event data.
CEP Engine
Apama Correlator
Apama’s event correlator is the engine that executes the sophisticated event pattern-matching logic that you define in your Apama application.
CEP application design tool
Apama perspectives in Software AG Designer
Apama perspectives running in Software AG Designer are the main entry point for developing Apama applications.
Dashboarding tool
Software AG MashZone NextGen
MashZone NextGen’s mashups provide analysis and data transformation capabilities that handle various user requirements.
Business Rules tool
webMethods Business Rules
Business Rules allows developers to create, test, and use rules that define or constrain various aspects of a business.
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