Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Communicating between SoftwareAG Products Using Event Routing : Administering Event Routing : Configuring Services and Service Groups : Configuring Custom Service Groups
Configuring Custom Service Groups
After installing Event Routing, you have one default service group that contains the preconfigured UniversalMessaging service. You can create one or more custom service groups and associate a set of event types to them. When events of those particular event types are sent or received, they go to all services within the service group. One of the services in the group can be marked as source and/or destination of events for all event types associated to the service group.
You must have created and defined at least one service before creating a custom service group. For more information about creating services, see Creating Universal Messaging Services.
To configure custom service groups for Event Routing
1. In Command Central, navigate to Environments > Instances > All > <profile_name> > Event Routing > Configuration tab, select Service Groups from the drop-down menu, and then click Add.
2. In the Configuration Details dialog, enter a name and a description for the new service group.
The service group name must be unique. It is not case-sensitive, and must start with a character. You can use the following characters as separators: . (dot) and - (dash).
You cannot rename a service group which has already been created. If you wish to modify a service group name, you must delete the old one and recreate a new one with a different name.
3. To add existing services to the group, click Add and select them from the drop-down menu in the Service Name field.
4. For each service you add to the new service group, define the following properties:
Defines whether Event Routing guarantees the delivery of every event to the service. By default this value is set to true. Possible values are true and false.
You can set this property to true only for services whose type supports reliable delivery of events.
Defines whether the service serves as a source and/or destination for events. By default this value is set to Destination Only.Possible values are:
*Source Only - the service only consumes events. Only supported for services that can act as a source.
*Destination Only - the service only emits events.
*Source and Destination - the service emits and consumes events. Only supported for services that can act as a source.
Your service group must contain only one source service. You cannot include the same service twice in the same service group. If you selected the predefined In-Process service, it must always be set to Source and Destination.
5. Optionally, click Test to verify your configuration is consistent.
6. Save your changes.
Event Routing detects that the configuration has been updated, and starts to use the new settings automatically.
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