Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Event Processing Help : Viewing Events using the Event Bus Console : Creating an Eclipse Run Configuration
Creating an Eclipse Run Configuration
To connect to the Event Bus using the Event Bus console tool, you must create a run configuration in Software AG Designer. The run configurations define the start parameters for connection to the Event Bus server and the channels which you want to monitor. You can define more than one configurations to monitor different channels on different Event Bus servers.
To create a run configuration
1. In the Events Development perspective in Software AG Designer, click the Create New Event Bus Console icon.
2. On the Main tab of the Run Configurations dialog, specify the Event Routing connection settings for the Event Bus Console.
*NERV Provider URL - defines the transport layer which NERV uses to connect to the Event Bus. The default value is nsp://<host_name>:9000. You can specify any valid URL of webMethods Universal Messaging or webMethods Broker to be used as the Event Bus server for receiving and subscribing for events.
*Event Type Store Location - contains the path to the Event Type Store location. The default value is: Software AG_directory /common/EventTypeStore. You can use the Browse button to select another directory.
3. Click Connect.
4. On the Channels tab, specify the channels to which you want to subscribe. You can select JNDI topics and/or event types using the respective check boxes. You can use the Select All and Deselect All buttons on the right side of the dialog to mark or unmark all topics and event types simultaneously.
5. On the Message Format tab, modify the format in which the console will display the received events.
Select this option...
To display...
Show channel name as prefix for each line on the console
The channel name as prefix for each event on the console.
Show event type name as prefix of each line on the console
The event type name as prefix for each event on the console.
Show only every hundredth event on the console
The full details of every 100th event. The other events appear in the console only as a dot.
Show JMS properties
All the filterable properties that are in the JMS header. The XML element names in the event and the label used for the elements in the console output are mapped as follows:
XML element name
Label used in the output
6. Click Apply to store the configuration.
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