Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Implementing Event-Driven Architecture with Software AG Products : Configuring NERV : Using the Default NERV Emit Logic
Using the Default NERV Emit Logic
Switching Between Default and Custom NERV Logic
As installed, NERV provides default emit logic which you can use to emit events of a specified event type. The com.softwareag.eda.nerv.core bundle contains the EventEmitter service interface that you can reference when you create your application.
The default NERV emit logic uses the transport layer specified by the Default JMS Provider configuration property in Command Central, or by the nervDefaultJMS component defined in a deployed NERV component bundle. You can modify the default transport layer definition, as described in Modifying the Transport Layer for NERV , or by deploying a custom NERV component bundle which contains a nervDefaultJMS component definition.
The default NERV emit logic uses the error handling mechanism defined via specific configuration properties.
The name of the JMS topic where NERV publishes the events by default is derived from the Event Type of each event. For example, events of type
are sent to a JMS topic named
You can also define your customized event routing logic by creating a NERV emit bundle for each event type you emit. This will override the default NERV emit logic. For more information about creating custom NERV emit bundles, see Creating Custom NERV Emit Bundles.
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