Components of the EDA Environment
An EDA system typically contains the following components:
event bus that routes the events. The event bus is the central nervous system of an EDA system. The event bus supports multiple channels simultaneously, with each channel being used to transport logically related events.
service bus that connects applications to the event bus.
One or more
event publishers to create events and publish them in channels on the event bus.
One or more
event subscribers that read the events from the event bus and perform a preset action on the basis of the information contained in the event.
Complex Event Processing engine that executes queries that process incoming events, and publishes simple and complex events for post-processing actions. It must be able to handle a high throughput of events with extremely low latency and evaluate patterns in event data.
Logging, monitoring, and performance tools for administration purposes.
A dashboarding tool to create interactive, analytical, real-time dashboards.
A Business Rules engine to capture, automate, and flexibly change business policies.
Tools for governing event types and event channels.
Tools for creating event-driven applications.
A central store for persisting event data at rest.
A Business Activity Monitoring solution to define and monitor events and event patterns that occur throughout an organization.
An integrated data grid technology to support scale to enterprise-class event processing use cases for data in use.