Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : BPM Rules Development Help : Rules Development Editors : The Event Rule Editor : Event Rule Editor Context Menu
Event Rule Editor Context Menu
Right-clicking a cell opens the context menu, which features the following items:
Undoes the last step.
Redoes the last step.
Assign Operator
Opens submenu to assign an operator.
Add Assignment
Inserts a new assignment result after the last result.
Add Action
Inserts a new action result after the last result.
Cuts the content of a selected value cell or result row.
Copies the content of a selected value cell or result row.
Pastes the content of the system clipboard into a selected value cell or result row.
Paste Before
Pastes the content of the system clipboard before a selected result row.
Paste After
Pastes the content of the system clipboard after a selected result row.
Clears the content of the selected value cell.
Deletes the assignment result.
Suppress Warning '...'
Suppresses a specific warning.
Show all Warnings for Event Rule
Restores all warnings.
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