Installing and using Mobile Suite : Using Terracotta with webMethods Products : webMethods Products and Terracotta : How webMethods Products Use Terracotta : webMethods Optimize
webMethods Optimize
For maximum performance, Optimize uses Terracotta to cache much of the data it uses in support of business activity monitoring. Data that it caches includes:
*Metadata such as dimension definitions, rule definitions, and KPI definitions
*Raw data that is provided by data collectors for analysis
*Readings, statistics, and other results produced during monitoring
*Messages and notifications related to the handling of events
Optimize also uses Terracotta for Analytic Engine clustering. Analytic Engine clustering distributes the Optimize information processing load across multiple Analytic Engines, either to facilitate system high availability or to maximize Analytic Engine data throughput. When you cluster Analytic Engines, the members of the cluster share data using caches on the Terracotta Server Array. Each Analytic Engine in the cluster connects to the Terracotta Server Array to store and retrieve items from the shared caches.
For more information about how Optimize uses Terracotta for clustering, see the clustering section in Configuring BAM. For more information about the caches that Optimize uses during business activity monitoring, see System Caches Used by the webMethods Product Suite .
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