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webMethods Integration Server
Integration Server uses Terracotta for these purposes:
*For creating public caches. Public caches are user-defined caches that integration solutions running your Integration Server can use. Integration Server provides built-in services that you use to build integration solutions that use caching.
If an Integration Server is equipped with the proper Terracotta licenses, you can create public caches that reside in BigMemory or on the Terracotta Server Array.
For more information about how Integration Server uses Terracotta with public caches, see the chapter on Ehcache in webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide. For more information about the services you use to add caching to an integration solution, see the pub.cache services in webMethods Integration Server Built-In Services Reference.
*For clustering.When you cluster Integration Servers using Terracotta, the members of the cluster share data using caches on the Terracotta Server Array. Each Integration Server in the cluster connects to the Terracotta Server Array to store and retrieve items from the shared caches.
For more information about how Integration Server uses Terracotta for clustering, see webMethods Integration Server Clustering Guide.
*For caching service results. When you enable a service to cache results, Integration Server saves the service invocation results in the cache for a specified period of time. While the results are in the cache, rather than re-invoking the service, Integration Server can quickly retrieve the service results for subsequent client requests for the service.
Service results are local to an Integration Server and are not distributed.
For more information about caching service results, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
*For caching data related to the OAuth Authorization Framework (OAuth). When acting as an OAuth authorization server, Integration Server maintains registered clients, scope definitions, access tokens, and refresh tokens in cache. When running in a clustered environment, Integration Server maintains these caches on the Terracotta Server Array.
For more information about OAuth, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide. For more information about the caches Integration Server uses for OAuth, see System Caches Used by the webMethods Product Suite .
*For caching data related to digest authentication.When you configure HTTP/HTTPS ports on Integration Server to support digest authentication, Integration Server maintains the generated nonces in cache. When running in a clustered environment, Integration Server maintains these caches on the Terracotta Server Array.
For more information about digest authentication, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide. For more information about the caches Integration Server uses for digest authentication, see System Caches Used by webMethods Products.
*For Enhanced XML Parsing operations. If the caching option is enabled for the Enhanced XML Parser, Integration Server uses a cache to manage memory during parsing operations. If your Integration Server is licensed to use BigMemory, you can configure the Enhanced XML Parser to extend the cache to BigMemory. For more information about how the Enhanced XML Parser uses cache, see the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
How Integration Server uses Terracotta will affect what licenses you will need. For more information about Terracotta licenses and Integration Server, see License Requirements for Integration Server .
For more information about the system caches that Integration Server uses, see System Caches Used by the webMethods Product Suite .
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