Installing and using Mobile Suite : webMethods Mobile Administrator API Reference : Using the Mobile Administrator API : Summary of REST Resources
Summary of REST Resources
The REST resources listed below are accepted as input or output parameters of the REST requests that are described in REST Requests in Alphabetical Order.
Mobile Administrator provides the following REST resources:
REST Resource
Instances of the BuildConfig resource represent configurations needed to generate an executable file of a product.
Instances of the BuildJob resource represent programmes that generate from source code an executable file. A build job runs on a build node and needs a build configuration.
Instances of the BuildNode resource represent programmes that execute build jobs and generate from source code an executable file of a product.
Instances of the Certificate resource represent X.509 certificate, optionally combined with an associated X.509 private key.
Instances of the Comment resource represent a comment by a user. Comments can be associated with Product resources or with specific ProductVersions of a Product.
Instances of the Device resource represent a mobile device that is managed by Mobile Administrator.
Instances of the IOSProvisioningProfile resource represent Apple iOS provisioning profiles, a resource required for signing iOS applications.
Instances of the Platform resource represent a target platform of the mobile apps and devices managed by Mobile Administrator.
Instances of the Product resource represent mobile applications that are managed by Mobile Administrator.
Instances of the ProductCategory resource represent categories that can be used to organize mobile applications (Products).
Instances of the ProductStage resource represent global product stages that are associated with product versions.
Instances of the ProductUser resource represent a relationship between Product and User instances. They are used to define user access rights for a mobile application.
Instances of the ProductVersion resource represent individual versions of a mobile application (Product).
Instances of the PushDevice resource represent a target device for a PushNotification resource.
Instances of the PushDeviceGroup resource represent a group of PushDevice resources. When a PushNotification is sent to a PushDeviceGroup, it is delivered to all PushDevices in this group.
Instances of the PushNotification resource represent a message (notification) that is delivered through one or more mobile devices through the push notification services of the mobile platform vendors (Apple, Google, Microsoft).
Instances of the User resource represent the user accounts of a Mobile Administrator instance.
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