Installing and using Mobile Suite : webMethods Mobile Administrator API Reference : Using the Mobile Administrator API : Summary of REST Requests
Summary of REST Requests
Mobile Administrator provides the REST requests listed below.
In this summary and in the descriptions of the individual requests, the term "product" is used as a synonym for "application".
For a list of attributes, see ProductCategory.
Returns the complete list of application categories.
Returns the details of an application category with a specified ID.
Returns a list of applications in a category with a specified ID.
Returns the icon of an application category with a specified ID in form of a 96x96 px PNG file.
Creates a new application category.
Edits the fields of an application category with a specified ID.
Deletes an application category with a specified ID.
For a list of attributes, see Product.
Returns a complete list of applications.
Creates a new application.
Returns the details of an application with a specified ID.
Edits the fields of an application with a specified ID.
Deletes an application with a specified ID.
Returns the icon of an application with a specified ID in form of a 96x96 px PNG file.
Returns a screenshot of an application with a specified ID (only valid for an index that is referenced from the application dictionary).
Returns a dictionary with a key URL containing a link (possibly with authentication parameters) that can be used to download the latest version of an application with a specified ID.
Returns a list of all versions of an application with a specified ID.
Returns the details of a version with a specified ID of an application with a specified ID.
Creates a new version of an application with a specified ID.
Deletes all versions of an application with a specified ID.
Updates specific fields of a version with a specified ID of an application with a specified ID.
Deletes a version with a specified ID of an application with a specified ID.
Returns a list of all permissions for each assigned user of an application with a specified ID.
Creates a new permission set for a user of an application with a specified ID.
Updates permissions for a specific set with a specified ID of an application with a specified ID.
Deletes a set of permissions with a specified ID of an application with a specified ID.
Returns a list of the ten most recent applications.
Creates a new application based on a stored application template (AgileApps template ZIP).
Activity Logging
REST Request
Anonymously logs a client action on to an application with a specified ID.
REST Request
Returns information about a device.
Creates a device.
Updates a device.
Returns a JSON key URL.
Returns a list of applications on a device with a specified device identifier.
Returns a list of applications that have updates available on a device with a specified device identifier.
Returns the status of an application with a specified ID on a device with a specified device identifier.
Updates the status of an application with a specified ID on a device with a specified device identifier.
Marks an application with a specified ID for installation on a device with a specified device identifier.
Marks an application with a specified ID for removal on a device with a specified device identifier.
For a more detailed explanation of the resources concept, see Resource Bundles.
REST Request
Returns a reference XML for the latest manifest of an application that is associated with a specified bundle ID.
Returns a resource with a specified SHA1 checksum.
Push Notifications
REST Request
Registers a push device for a product. Only one of the parameters must be set: registrationId, pushTokenHex or mpns_uri.
Adds one or more PushDevice resources to a group of PushDevices, a PushDeviceGroup resource.
Removes one or more PushDevice resources from a PushDeviceGroup resource.
Deletes a PushDeviceGroup resource.
Sends a push notification to a single device, if any of the following parameters is given: registrationId, pushTokenHex or mpns_uri. If the push_group_name parameter is set, it sends the push notification to all push devices that belong to the given push group.
REST Request
Returns all code signing certificates.
Returns the code signing certificate with a specified ID.
iOS Provisioning Profiles
REST Request
Returns all iOS provisioning profiles.
Returns the iOS provisioning profile with a specified ID.
Build Configurations
REST Request
Returns all build configurations of an application.
Returns a build configuration with a specified ID of an application.
Posts the build configurations of an application.
Updates a build configuration of an application.
Deletes a build configuration with a specified ID of an application.
Launches build jobs based on the build configurations of an application.
Returns a BuildConfig resource that requires a check of its associated repository (if any).
Updates a BuildConfig resource with the latest available revision of the associated repository.
Build Jobs
REST Request
Returns the next new build job.
Returns the input file with the role that was specified for a build job with a specified ID.
Returns the output file with the role that was specified for a build job with a specified ID.
Attaches an output file to a build job with a specified ID.
Updates a build job with a specified ID.
Creates a new log entry for a build job.
Build Nodes
REST Request
Returns all build nodes.
Creates a new build node.
Returns a build node with a specified ID.
Deletes a build node with a specified ID.
Updates a build node with a specified ID.
For a list of parameters, see User.
REST Request
Returns details of a user with a specified ID.
Creates a new user.
Edits the fields of a user with a specified ID.
Deletes a user with a specified ID.
Returns a list of all permissions for each assigned product of a user with a specified ID.
Comments and Ratings
REST Request
Adds a rating to a ProductVersion resource.
Adds a comment to a ProductVersion resource.
Adds a user rating to the specified product.
Adds a user comment to the specified product.
Deletes a comment associated with a ProductVersion resource.
Product Stages
REST Request
Returns a list of product stages.
Creates a new product stages.
Returns the details of a product stage with a specified ID.
Edits the fields of a product stage with a specified ID.
Deletes a product stage with a specified ID.
REST Request
Returns the site’s company logo in form of a 34px PNG file.
Creates a PerishableAccessToken for the current user.
Validates the provided user credentials.
Returns a list of Platform resources.
Returns the details of a Platform resource.
Accepts the current terms of service for the authenticated user.
Returns the current terms of service for the site.
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