Installing and using Mobile Suite : Using webMethods Mobile Designer : Setting Up the Android Platform : Installing the Android SDK on Macintosh
Installing the Android SDK on Macintosh
If you use a Macintosh, use this procedure to install the SDK so that you can use it with Mobile Designer.
To install the Android SDK on Macintosh
1. Open the following webpage in a browser:
2. On the Android website, locate the system requirements and review them to ensure that your Macintosh environment meets the requirements for the Android SDK.
3. Locate the installer you want to use.
You can install either the standalone SDK or the full bundle, which includes Eclipse. If you are using Software AG Designer or other IDE and only need to install the standalone SDK, click USE AN EXISTING IDE to reveal information about the standalone SDK.
Install the 32-bit version. The 32-bit JDK is generally required for compatibility.
4. Download the .zip file containing the install files for the Mac OS X platform to your desktop.
5. Double-click the .zip file to open it with the Archive utility and extract its contents.
This creates a new folder named android-sdk-macosx on your desktop.
6. Perform the following to copy the android-sdk-macosx folder to the root of the hard disk to ensure that the SDK is available to all users.
You might require administrator privileges to write to the root of the hard disk.
a. Start the Terminal application, which is in the Applications/Utilities folder.
b. Using the Terminal application, issue the following commands, substituting username with your Macintosh user name:
sudo su -
cd /
cp /Users/username/Desktop/android-sdk-macosx /
chmod -R a+rw android-sdk-macosx
If you do not know the Macintosh user name, you can determine it by using the whoami command in the Terminal application.
You can use the Tab key to help auto-complete paths.
This series of commands does the following:
*The cp command copies the android-sdk-macosx folder from your desktop and places it in the root of the hard disk.
*The chmod command makes the android-sdk-macosx folder readable and writeable to all users.
You may wish to consider a more restrictive set of permissions than this.
*The exit detaches from the root shell.
The remaining steps in the procedure do not require super-user privileges.
7. Start the start the Android SDK Manager. To do so, using the Terminal application, issue the following commands;
cd /android-sdk-macosx
8. In the Android SDK Manager, select the following:
*Tools folder to select all Android SDK tools
*Latest version of the Android SDK
*Other Android SDK versions you want to ensure compatibility
For a list of supported SDKs, see SDK Versions that Mobile Designer Supports.
*Optionally, any other SDK versions that you might need.
At a later time if you decide you need another SDK version, you can download and install it by running the Android SDK Manager again.
*Latest Android Support Library
*Latest Google Play services
*Google Cloud Messaging for Android Library
This is only visible if the "Obsolete" option is selected in the Android SDK Manager.
9. Install the packages.
When prompted, review the licensing and packaging dependencies. If you agree, accept all the licenses and continue the installation.
The Android SDK Manager downloads and installs the APIs you selected.
10. If the Android SDK Manager prompts you to restart the ADB (Android Debug Bridge) command-line tool, select Yes.
The ADB tool is a tool you can run manually and also has a background service component that manages communications to and from Android devices, both virtual and physical. When installing the Android SDK, the Android SDK Manager restarts the ADB tool to restart the background service.
11. Delete the .zip file that you downloaded from the Android Developer website and the android-sdk-macosx folder from your desktop.
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