Installing and using Mobile Suite : webMethods Mobile Designer Native User Interface Reference : Mobile Designer Native User Interface : Setting and Querying NativeUI Object Attributes
Setting and Querying NativeUI Object Attributes
The NativeUI objects have attributes associated with them. For example, an object might have a Width attribute or a Height attribute.
You can set attribute values in two ways:
*You can initially set an attribute value for an object by passing the value as part of the object’s constructor when creating the object.
*After the object is created, you can change the value using a setter, for example setWidth().
You cannot change attribute values that are set in the constructor unless there is a corresponding setter for the attribute.
In addition to setting attribute values, once an attribute is created, you can query its value using a getter, for example getWidth().
You might have to wait until the element is drawn on the screen before getting platform-level display metrics, such as the object’s width, height, and X/Y coordinates. For example, some platform widgets might return misleading values for their height, such as 0 (zero), when the widget has not been rendered on the screen.
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