Installing and using Mobile Suite : Using Terracotta with webMethods Products : Installing and Configuring the Terracotta Server Array for Use with webMethods Products : Configuring the Terracotta Server Array for Use with webMethods Product : The Location of the tc-config File
The Location of the tc-config File
By default, a Terracotta server expects to find the tc-config file in the Software AG_directory /terracotta/server/bin directory. If you maintain the tc-config file in the default location, you must place an identical copy of the tc-config file in the Software AG_directory /terracotta/server/bin directory of every server in the array. (Typically, you create the tc-config file on one server and then copy it to the other servers in the array.)
Alternatively, you can place the tc-config file in a central location where all servers in the array can access it. If you use this approach, you must specify the location of the tcconfig file when you invoke the start-up script on each server. For information about specifying the location of the tc-config file, see the section on configuring the Terracotta Server Array in the Terracotta product documentation.
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