Installing and using Mobile Suite : Using webMethods Mobile Designer : Installing Applications on Devices : Installing Applications on iOS Devices : Installing an Ad-Hoc Build to a Physical Device Using iTunes
Installing an Ad-Hoc Build to a Physical Device Using iTunes
Use the following procedure to install an ad-hoc build to a physical iOS device.
To install an Ad-Hoc build using iTunes
1. Gather the build files you need for installation and make them available on the machine running iTunes.
a. Locate the application bundle in the project Builds folder.
After running the Mobile Designer +Multi-Build Ant task to create an ad-hoc device build, Mobile Designer places the application bundle in this location.
b. Compress the application bundle on the Macintosh where you created the build.
If you want to distribute the build, for example, via an email message or upload it to a server, you must compress the files before moving them. Distributing an uncompressed application bundle can cause issues, for example, missing symbolic links and/or permissions set for the build.
It is recommended that you use a program such as 7Zip, WinZip, or WinRar for the decompression. Using the built-in Extract All function that comes with Windows can damage the build when it is extracted.
c. Locate the ad-hoc mobile provision file used when signing the application.
This is the file specified in the ios.adhocprov property in Mobile Designer file.
d. Copy the compressed application bundle and the ad-hoc mobile provision file (.mobileprovision file) to the computer you want to use for the installation.
Place the files in an easy-to-find location, for example, the desktop.
2. Optionally, if the application already exists on the physical device, delete the application if you want to perform a clean installation.
3. Connect the physical iOS device to your computer.
4. Start iTunes.
5. Optionally, install the ad-hoc mobile provision file by dragging the .mobileprovision file into Library > Applications in iTunes.
You must install the .mobileprovision file if:
*This is the first time installing this application on the device.
*The .mobileprovision file has changed since the last time you installed the application.
6. Install the application bundle.
a. Extract the files from the compressed application bundle.
*On Windows, the application is in a folder with the name
*On Macintosh, the application is in a single file with a name that matches the application name.
b. Drag the application bundle (that is, the Windows folder or Macintosh file) into Library > Applications in iTunes.
7. Select Library > Applications to verify that the new application is present.
8. Under Devices, select the iOS device to which you want to install the application.
9. Select the Applications tab.
10. Select Sync Applications and that the application you want to install is selected.
11. Select the Summary tab.
iTunes installs the application.
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