Installing an Application to an Emulated or Physical Device Using the ADT Eclipse Plug-In
The following procedure describes how to install an application to a device using Eclipse with the Android Development Tools (ADT) Eclipse plug-in.
To install an application using the ADT Eclipse plug-in
1. When building your project using the Mobile Designer +Multi-Build Ant task, be sure to select the Retain output build files check box.
When the build completes successfully, Mobile Designer retains a folder named _temp_ in the same folder as your build. The _temp_/_java_edit_ folder is a self-contained Eclipse project that you can import.
2. Import the project in the _temp_/_java_edit_ folder into Eclipse as an existing project:
a. In the Package Explorer window, right-click the project and select Import.
b. For the type of project to import, select General > Existing Projects into Workspace, then click Next.
c. When selecting the root of the project you want to import, select Select root directory and browse to and select the _temp_/_java_edit_ folder of the project you want to import.
d. Click Finish.
3. Do one of the following based on whether you are installing to a emulated or physical device.
To install to a physical device, ensure the device is connected to the machine and turned on.
4. From Eclipse, select Run > Run.
5. Select that you want to run the project as an Android Application.
Eclipse launches the appropriate Virtual Device, if it is not already started, and installs the application.