Installing and using Mobile Suite : Using webMethods Mobile Designer : Coding a Mobile Application : Mobile Designer-Provided Run-Time Classes : Run-Time Comms Classes
Run-Time Comms Classes
Use the HttpConnectionHandler class to initiate HTTP connections and manage sending and downloading data in separate threads.
Mobile Designer sets the default value for a device based on the device’s capabilities. The default value is set in the device’s profile in the Mobile Designer device database. For more information about the device profiles and the device database, see Devices that a Mobile Application Supports.
You can override the value Mobile Designer sets using the mobiledesigner.runtime.core.class.comms.httpconnection project property.
Use the MessageConnectionHandler class to control the detection of incoming SMS messages using the Wireless Messaging API, to send SMS messages to other phones and to handle Push Notifications.
Mobile Designer sets the default value for each device. You can override the value Mobile Designer sets setting the mobiledesigner.runtime.core.class.comms.messageconnection project property to none or wma.
The MessageConnectionHandler implements the MessageListener class.
The httpstream variant of HttpConnectionHandler allows HTTP DELETE messages to specify an optional POST body.
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