Installing and using Mobile Suite : Using webMethods Mobile Designer : Coding a Mobile Application : Mobile Designer-Provided Run-Time Classes : Application and Parameter Classes
Application and Parameter Classes
The Application class contains only the minimal functionality to start an application and detect core interrupt and termination events.
The Application class also provides debug functionality to output messages. The messages are prefixed with MD: so that you can visually differentiate Mobile Designer debug information from other generated debug information. You can define flags to indicate the debug messages you want displayed.
When running on a PC or device that has a connected console output solution, the Application class displays the debug messages on the console. Otherwise, the debug messages are available in a String Array. You can add logic to your application to obtain the messages from the String Array and output them to the screen if you want visual debugging on a device.
When Mobile Designer runs the resource handler that you create for your project, it automatically creates the Parameters static class, which contains the parameters that drive the Mobile Designer run-time code for a particular build. The Parameters class,, contains information about the devices and project-specific parameters, such as resource, resource block, and text IDs.
Mobile Designer uses the following naming conventions for the parameter names:
*PARAM_MD_*** defines parameters controlling Mobile Designer run-time source code functionality
*PARAM_*** defines application-specific parameters
*RESBLOCKID_*** defines identifiers for all the resource blocks
*RESID_*** defines identifiers for all the individual resources
*TEXTID_*** defines identifiers for all the lines of text
*MENUID_*** defines identifiers for all the menus
When the remaining run-time classes are not used in a project, you can generate the Parameters class by reference in third-party code.
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