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Run-Time Utility Classes
The Maths class is a fixed point math library that contains methods you can use in your applications for conversion to and from a fixed-point number, trigonometric functions, square and cube roots methods, and a random method. The random method is included for instances when your application relies on the random method returning the same value across all devices. Built-in JVM implementations can differ from one device to another in their number handling. As a result, if you are porting your code to anything other than Java, you could encounter differences in the output produced by the random function.
The parameter PARAM_MD_MATHS_FP_SHIFT controls the accuracy of the math performed, with a fixed point value of 1 equal to 1 << PARAM_MD_MATHS_FP_SHIFT.
The Maths class is based on Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) 1.1. The Maths class does not contain references to the primitive types float or double.
Use the PlatformRequest class to launch the browser on devices that support Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) browsers.
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