Installing and using Mobile Suite : webMethods Mobile Administrator User's Guide : Configuring Mobile Administrator : Creating and Launching Build Configurations for the App Store Client : Creating the Build Configuration for the Windows 8/RT Platform
Creating the Build Configuration for the Windows 8/RT Platform
When you create a build configuration for Windows 8/RT, you have to specify a code signing certificate that you have already uploaded.
The procedure below just mentions the minimum options that are required to create the build configuration. For detailed information on all options that can be set, see Adding a Build Configuration.
To create the Windows 8/RT build configuration for the app store client
1. Click and then App Store Client.
2. Click Build on the left side.
3. On the Build Configurations tab, click .
4. From the Platform drop-down list box, select Windows 8/RT.
5. Scroll down to the heading Windows 8/RT and make sure that the code signing certificate that you have uploaded is selected in the corresponding drop-down list box.
6. Click Create Build Configuration.
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