Installing and using Mobile Suite : webMethods Mobile Development Help : Adding Services to a Mobile Project : Adding RESTful IS Services
Adding RESTful IS Services
Adding RESTful IS
will enable you to trigger services hosted on webMethods Integration Server. These services can be used like the normal RESTful services as described in Adding RESTful Services. For detailed information about RESTful IS Services, see the webMethods Service Development Help.
This feature requires the installation of webMethodsService Development.
To add RESTful IS services
1. Ensure the mobile project is open in the Outline Editor. For instructions, see Displaying a Mobile Project in the Outline Editor.
2. In the Model section of the Outline Editor, expand the project so that you view the Services container node. If the model does not have a Services container node, add one by right-clicking the root application and selecting New Child > Services.
3. Drag the RESTful IS Services object from the palette of the Outline Editor to the Services node. In the palette, you can find this object when clicking the header-type node RESTful Services. You can then see it under the heading webMethods. If the palette entry RESTful IS Service is not visible, the webMethodsService Development is not installed.
4. In the resulting dialog box, specify a server connection you like to use services from. If the selection box does not list any server connection, open your Integration Server preferences page and connect to an Integration Server. You can open the Integration Server preferences page by following the link below the selection box. For more information refer to the webMethods Service Development Help.
5. After selecting an established server connection, the tree selection below becomes visible. Then dive into the required webMethods Package and select the services you like to add to your mobile project.
6. Click OK to add the child nodes.
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