Installing and using Mobile Suite : webMethods Mobile Development Help : User Interface Object Reference : Objects to Use for Panes : HorizontalSplitter Properties
HorizontalSplitter Properties
Absolute size to use for the height of one of panes, either the top or bottom pane. The other pane uses the remaining space available. You can specify the height using either a percentage value or the number of pixels.
*To set the absolute size to use for the top pane, type the value. For example:
*To use 320 pixels for the top pane, specify: 320
*To use 38 percent for the top pane, specify: 38%
*To set the absolute size for the bottom pane, type a comma followed by the value. For example:
*To use 320 pixels for the bottom pane, specify: , 320
*To use 38 percent for the bottom pane, specify: , 38%
If you do not specify a value, the split creates two equal sections.
An exception to the default behavior is when you use a HorizontalSplitter with a NavView in the bottom pane. In this case, the size of the bottom pane is set to the height required for the NavView. The top pane uses the remaining space.
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