Installing and using Mobile Suite : webMethods Mobile Development Help : User Interface Object Reference : Objects to Use for Content Providers or Content Adapters
Objects to Use for Content Providers or Content Adapters
TemplateDataBinding Properties
DataBinding Properties
DynamicDataSource Properties
ContentProvider Properties
RESTDataSource Properties
EntityDataSource Properties
RESTDataProvider Properties
JsonDataExpression Properties
ContentAdapter Properties
TemplateAssignment Properties
DataTransformer Properties
CustomDataComparator Properties
The following table provides descriptions of the user interface objects that you use to specify the content to display in a ListView object.
Holds a list of elements to be bound to the user interface elements. You need to implement IListDatasource. The DynamicDataSource object can be used if the underlying data set is not in JSON format or if the underlying data consists of a custom data structure. A DynamicDatasource object is the child of the application's Datasources node.
For information about setting properties for the DynamicDataSource object, see DynamicDataSource Properties.
Holds a list of elements to be bound to the user interface elements. The underlying data set must conform to the JSON format, and it is retrieved using a RESTful service specified with the Rest Method property. All expressions pointing to a RESTDatasource object are relative to the underlying JSON objects. A RESTDataSource object is the child of the application's Datasources node.
For information about setting properties for the RESTDataSource object, see RESTDataSource Properties.
Holds a list of elements to be bound to the user interface elements. The data objects from this data source must be instances of generated Entity models.
For more information about setting properties to the EntityDataSource object, see EntityDataSource Properties.
A RESTDataProvider can be added as child for an EntityDataSource. It acts like a service for your EntityDataSource. The given REST Method will be executed when the data source is reloaded.
For more information about setting properties to the RESTDataProvider, see RESTDataProvider Properties.
A FileDataProvider can be added as child for an EntityDataSource. It acts like a service for your EntityDataSource. You can only use it for local/offline data, which is stored on your device for example. The file must be located in the projects resources/www folder (subdirectories are not allowed). You need a DataExpression to define the format the data is stored in the file and the Entity to map the data to. Currently only JsonDataExpression for Json formatted data files is supported.
Json Data Expression
A Json Data Expression represents a path in your Json reponse document. This path is identified by the expression property. The underlying Json document will be transformed into the specified Entity.
Fore more information about setting properties to JsonDataExpression, see JsonDataExpression Properties.
Specifies the content you want listed in a ListView object.
For information about setting properties for the ContentProvider object, see ContentProvider Properties.
Specifies the content you want listed in a ListView object.
Fore more information about setting properties to the ContentAdapter object, see ContentAdapter Properties.
The TemplateAssignment configures the Template to display by the ListView object. Each Content Adapter must provide at least one TemplateAssignment object.
Fore more information about setting properties to the TemplateAssignment object, see TemplateAssignment Properties.
Allows you to transform a given input to a specific format required by a particular user interface element. For example, when you get the name of an icon, the data transformer will get the file name as its value and return an icon which is then used by an ImageElement. A DataTransformer object is the child of a DataBinding or TemplateDataBinding object.
For information about setting properties for the DataTransformer object, see DataTransformer Properties.
Custom Data Comparator
Allows developers to define an order for the elements a ListView displays. Can be added as a child to a DynamicDataSource,RESTDataSource or EntityDataSource.
Fore more information about setting properties to the CustomDataComparator object, see CustomDataComparator Properties.
Defines how to bind data from the data source to an object in the user interface. A TemplateDataBinding object is the child of a ContentProvider or TemplateAssignment object.
For more information about setting properties for the TemplateDataBinding object, see TemplateDataBinding Properties.
Defines how to bind data from the data source to an object in the user interface. A DataBinding object is the child of a Textfield, Image, Checkbox, RadioButton, Entry, SearchEntry orDateEntry object.
For information about setting properties for the DataBinding object, see DataBinding Properties.
Row Selection Listener
Listens to trigger events for each row in a ListView object, for example, when a user selects one row. Multiple Row Selection Listener objects can be added to a ContentAdapter. A ContentProvider supports only one Row Selection Listener.
Fore more information about setting properties to a Row Selection Listener object, see RowSelectionListener Properties.
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