Installing and using Mobile Suite : webMethods Mobile Development Help : Creating and Building a Mobile Application : Defining Resources for the Mobile Project : Storing Resource Files for the Mobile Project
Storing Resource Files for the Mobile Project
Whether you use the default resource handler that Mobile Development provides or a custom resource handler you code, you need to save the files that contain the resources that your application uses in your project.
Store your resource files within the subfolders of the mobile project’s resources folder. The resources folder has subfolders for the different types of resources.
The following shows an example for a project named "MyProject":
If you want to use a different subfolder than the ones provided, for example, if you want to use a subfolder named audio to save sound files, add the custom subfolders to the resource folder and code a custom resource handler for your application. For more information about using custom resource handlers, see Coding a Custom Resource Handler.
If you are using the default, UniversalResHandler resource handler, the following table describes the types of assets you should save in each of the resources subfolders.
resources subfolder
Store this type of asset in the subfolder
Image files that the mobile application uses. These are image files that are larger than an icon.
The UniversalResHandler resource handler requires a specific folder structure under the resources/graphics folder. For more information, see Storing Image Files for the UniversalResHandler.
Small image files that the mobile application uses as icons.
Text files that contain Strings that the mobile application uses.
HTML files that contain web content that the mobile application uses.
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