Installing and using Mobile Suite : webMethods Mobile Development Help : Creating and Building a Mobile Application : Specifying Values for Non-Default Language Text Resources
Specifying Values for Non-Default Language Text Resources
When generating text resource files for a mobile project, Mobile Development only includes the values for the text strings in the text resource file that is associated with the default language. It is your responsibility to translate the values for other languages and specify the values in the text resource files for those languages. For more information about the text resource files, see Text Resources that Mobile Development Creates for a Project.
To specify values for non-default language text resources
1. Locate the project in the Package Explorer.
2. Expand the project to locate the resources/text folder.
3. Expand the text folder.
4. Open a core.language_code.txt file for a non-default language, where language_code is the language code you specified for the Short Name property when you added the language to the mobile project.
You might find it helpful to also open the core.language_code.txt file for the default language so that you can see the values you need to translate.
5. For each line in the file, fill in the translated value for each text field.
Do not edit values for the default language in this manner because when you save the mobile project, Mobile Development regenerates the core.language_code.txt file for the default languages, and your changes will be lost. To change values for the default language, edit the associated values in the Outline Editor.
6. Save the file.
Repeat this procedure for each non-default language that the mobile project supports.
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