Installing and using Mobile Suite : webMethods Mobile Development Help : Creating and Building a Mobile Application : Generating and Building a Mobile Project
Generating and Building a Mobile Project
To create a build of a mobile project, you can generate project source files and build these source files to create one or more final binaries that are installable on devices. For more information on the build process, see Using webMethods Mobile Designer.
To generate and build a mobile project
1. Open the mobile project in the Outline Editor if it is not already open. For instructions, see Displaying a Mobile Project in the Outline Editor.
2. If you have unsaved changes, select File > Save to save your project.
3. In the Outline Editor, right-click and select Generate Source Code > Application Model.
Generating the project transforms the model into Java source code in the mobile project.
4. To build the project, click one of the following toolbar buttons that are available in the Outline Editor:
Multi-Build. Builds your project for multiple device/language combinations. A dialog appears in which you can specify a version number, select to retain the output build files, and select the language group that is to be used.
Even though Mobile Designer allows the use of several language groups, Mobile Development projects only provide the language group "I18N" which contains all configured languages.
Remote Multi-Build. Only available when the Use Mobile Administrator property has been set for the mobile project's root application node. A dialog appears in which you can specify a version number, select the targets, and select to retain the output build files.
When you set the above-mentioned Use Mobile Administrator property, you also have to regenerate the source code for the application model. This updates the build files and adds the plug-in that is required for the remote build.
Instead of using the above toolbar buttons, you can also run the corresponding Ant targets. For more information, see Using Mobile Designer Ant Targets.
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