Installing and using Mobile Suite : webMethods Mobile Development Help : Creating and Building a Mobile Application : Adding Devices to the Mobile Project
Adding Devices to the Mobile Project
When you create a project, Mobile Development adds the following universal devices (targets) to your project:
If needed, you can add additional devices to the mobile project later using the Mobile DesignerAdd-Handset Ant target as described below.
Targets for devices that are no longer supported (such as the BlackBerry targets) have been removed from Mobile Development. If your existing projects still include such targets, you have to remove them by yourself. If you need to remove targets for unsupported devices from your project, see Removing Devices from the Mobile Project.
To add devices to a mobile project using the Add-Handset Ant target
1. Open the mobile project in the Outline Editor if it is not already open. For instructions, see Displaying a Mobile Project in the Outline Editor.
2. In the Project Explorer, expand the project, and drag the build.xml file to the Ant view.
3. In the Ant view, double-click the Add-Handset Ant target and fill in the required information.
For more information about adding devices to project how to use the Add-Handset Ant target, see Using webMethods Mobile Designer.
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