Application Integration - Software AG Hosted Environment : Administering Integration Server : Configuring Integration Server for JMS Messaging : Adding JMS Provider Client Libraries to Integration Server Classpath : Adding Client Libraries for Earlier Versions of Universal Messaging
Adding Client Libraries for Earlier Versions of Universal Messaging
When using Integration Server with the same version of Universal Messaging, you do not need to add any client libraries to the Integration Server classpath. However, if you want to use Integration Server with an earlier, supported version of Universal Messaging, you must manually replace files in Software AG_directory \common\lib with the those available in the version of Universal Messaging that you want to use.
If you want to use Integration Server with an earlier version of Universal Messaging, Software AG recommends that you install Integration Server in a directory by itself without any other Software AG products.
To replace client libraries with those from earlier versions of Universal Messaging
1. Copy the following files from the Software AG_directory \common\lib directory that contains the installed version of Universal Messaging that you want to use.
2. Place the copied files in the Software AG_directory \common\lib directory used by Integration Server.
3. Restart Integration Server.
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