Administering and Monitoring Business Processes : Working with My webMethods : Using Tools to Enhance Workspaces : Bookmarks Tool
Bookmarks Tool
Adding Bookmarks to a Workspace
Using the Bookmark Tool to Access Bookmarked Pages
Updating a Bookmark Title or URL
Changing Whether a Bookmark is Opened in the Current or New Window
Deleting Bookmarks
The Bookmarks tool allows you to add links to:
*External web pages
*Other My webMethods workspaces
After adding bookmarks to external web pages and workspaces, you have quick access to them. To view the page or workspace you only need to click a link in the bookmarks window.
Use the Bookmarks tool to add bookmarks to pages that are related to a workspace. For example, if you create a workspace to track requirements for a new project and find several web sites that provide information that you might want to consider, you can use the Bookmarks tool to add links to the web sites for easy access to the information.
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