Configuring Archive Settings
You can configure how Monitor archives audit data to the Archive database using the following options:
Stored procedures. This is the default. When
Monitor executes a stored procedure to archive or delete audit data, the database performs the entire archive or delete without further interaction from
Monitor. To use stored procedures to perform an archive, the audit data must be archived to the same database where the stored procedure is located. Archiving using stored procedures is an asynchronous operation and should have little system impact. Stored procedures are especially useful for preserving
Integration Server resources in high-volume situations.
You can archive or archive and delete audit data. When Monitor archives audit data, it moves it to the Archive database and removes it from the source tables. When Monitor deletes data, it deletes it from the source tables and does not move it to any other location.
After you archive or delete audit data, you can no longer view that data in My webMethods. However, you can still execute queries on the data in the Archive database using SQL statements.
After you configure data archiving and deletion, see
Archiving or Deleting Data in an
Archive Database for information about data archiving and deletion procedures.
If you use an Oracle database, you can define a recipient of email alerts when the Oracle Purge operation completes. For instructions, see Administering webMethods Optimize.