Administering and Monitoring Business Processes : Understanding Software AG Products : Quick Start : Analytics & Decisions Quick Start
Analytics & Decisions Quick Start
Event processing platform that monitors rapidly moving event streams, detects and analyzes important events and patterns of events, and immediately acts on events of interest according to specifications.
MashZone NextGen
Data mashup and visualization tool for data from Software AG data sources (for example, databases, XML files, Apama events, process instances). Visualize data from web feeds or web services.
Optimize for Process
Monitor business processes, activities, events, and other business-related data in real time. View and evaluate business data, define rules that trigger alerts when problems arise.
Process Performance Manager (PPM)
Draw business process data from data sources (for example, databases, trading partner data stores, third-party applications like SAP or Salesforce).
Cache product data.
Event Routing
Software AG Designer
Define event types.
Integration Server
Provide built-in services that support Event Routing.
Ensure guaranteed delivery of events.
Universal Messaging
JMS provider that delivers data in the form of events from producers to consumers. Producers publish JMS messages to UM as events. Consumers use JMS subscriptions to receive events on JMS topics.
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