Administering and Monitoring Business Processes : webMethods Monitor User’s Guide : Process Monitoring : Viewing Detailed Information for a Process Instance : About Process Instance Statuses
About Process Instance Statuses
The Process Instances page displays a general status icon and a text status for each process instance. Status icons are as follows:
The status definitions described in this section apply to webMethods-executed and externally executed processes. Although integration processes display the same status text values (for example, Completed or Waiting), user-created services set the integration process status. As a result, the user-created services might have a different definition of the status than the one defined by the webMethods product suite.
General status icons are as follows:
The process instance is executing or executed without interruption or error.
Statistically abnormal
The process instance has been suspended, has been stopped, or is running but one or more steps might be executing with errors.
Out of compliance
The process instance completed, but one or more steps executed with errors.
Text statuses are as follows:
Process Status
Either the process completed successfully () or the process completed but one or more steps executed with errors ().
Process instance stopped because one or more steps executed with errors, or the process instance is no longer being tracked and is missing information.
Failed (Escalated)
The parent process takes control of the failed process instance. The parent process receives notification of the failed process instance and continues executing. You cannot resubmit a process instance with this status because the parent process is no longer waiting for a response.
Execution of the process instance was suspended, but has now been resumed.
Indicates that a running process instance has been updated to a new process model version during execution. When a process version is updated, the status of the running process instance is automatically changed to Revised regardless of its previous status.
The process has started, but not all steps have completed. A status icon of indicates that one or more steps may be executing with errors.
The process instance was stopped/canceled.
Process execution was paused (). This status is not applicable to external (BAM-only) processes.
The process was suspended and has been resumed. This status is not applicable to external (BAM-only) processes.
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