About Migrating Managed Bean Declarations
When you migrate your project and .view files to Facelets format, qualified managed bean declarations are migrated by default from the WEB-INF/faces-config.xml file to Java annotations.
To qualify for migration, a managed bean declared in faces-config.xml must be a source type, meaning that the type is defined in a .java file from the project. Binary types, such as those that come from an external jar file, cannot be declared using annotations because the source code is not available to modify.
During the migration, qualified managed beans present in the WEB-INF/faces-config.xml file are displayed in the Migrate Managed Bean Declarations page of the migration wizard, which enables you to view the declarations, and to select any declarations you do not want to migrate.
The migration adds Java annotations for the selected declarations to the source .java file and removes the corresponding <managed-bean> elements from the faces-config.xml file.