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Business Process Management On Premises Quick Start
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Business Process Management Design, Implementation, and Execution
Software AG Designer
Eclipse-based graphical development tool. Document the requirements of the business process for implementors (for example, specify input and output for process steps and how to handle errors, identity humans involved in the process, list KPIs). Implement business process from business process model. Develop services for use in business processes. Develop business rules for use in business processes. Develop tasks for use in business processes.
Build and deploy process-driven application solutions. Application Platform-as-a-Service (aPaaS) product.
Task Engine
Find and manipulate tasks from services or other applications through APIs.
Integration Server
Execute business processes and services.
Process Engine
Control and direct execution of business processes.
Rules Engine
Execute rules invoked by business processes or services.
Task Engine
Execute tasks.
Business Process Management Composite Applications
Software AG Designer
Design composite applications. Webpages in CAF and Business Console gadgets can invoke services. Webpages can access and display data stored in databases.
My webMethods Server
Host composite applications.
Business Process Management Administration and Monitoring
View process instance status and KPIs; forecast process instance path; stop, suspend, or resume process instances; and resubmit process steps.
Mobile Monitor
View process instances, view and work on tasks from mobile device or tablet.
Task Engine
Assign tasks, start, stop, suspend, resume, delete task instances.
Optimize for Process
Monitor business processes, activities, events, and other business-related data in real time. View and evaluate business data, define rules that trigger alerts when problems arise.
Business Console
Schedule and work on tasks, monitor process and task instances in real time, view trending information about processes on social media, view process analytics, view decision tables invoked by processes, and view processes that include case applications.
Process Engine
View, suspend, resume, stop, restart, or resubmit process instances; cancel, skip, pause, or restart process steps; create, modify, or delete process model stages; project process instance completion, and view average cycle time.
Mobile Business Console
Collaborate on tasks and workflows, monitor process and task instances in real time, and make time-critical decisions from mobile device or tablet.
Business Process Management Mobile Development
Software AG Designer
Design a user interface and then generate Java code that displays the user interface and responds to user-initiated events, such as clicking a button. Code business logic separately from the user interface, in Java classes created by Mobile Development.
Mobile Designer
Create mobile apps in Java and then automatically convert the apps for any mobile device.
Mobile Support
Create mobile data synchronization solutions that transfer data between mobile devices and backend enterprise applications and resolve conflicts that occur when backend data is updated by multiple sources at the same time.