Software AG Products  | Analytics & Decisions On Premises | Visualizing Data | MashZone NextGen
MashZone NextGen
MashZone NextGen is a data mashup and visualization tool used to deliver stored data to end users.
MashZone NextGen provides customizable dashboards that come with out-of-the-box components such as line charts, grids, and bubble charts. You can also create custom dashboards based on a flexible, responsive layout. MashZone NextGen also supports enterprises that need to deliver dashboards to users in multiple languages. You can have MashZone NextGen translate a dashboard's static content (dashboard title, tabs, widget labels, headings, and so on) into multiple languages at design time, and then MashZone NextGen will display the dashboard in the appropriate language based on the user's browser language, user settings, or a URL parameter. This feature substantially reduces the maintenance cost of multi-lingual MashZone NextGen deployments.
MashZone NextGen is entirely web browser-based to facilitate configuration of widgets. A custom widget framework enables the ability to create bespoke visualisations. MashZone NextGen also offers geo mapping widgets (that is, maps with markers and maps with vector overlay) you can use to do native mapping based on latitude and longitude or geographic areas defined by a GeoJSON file.
MashZone NextGen provides direct connectivity to consume Software AG product data (for example, ARIS PPM graphs and Apama and Digital Event Services events). MashZone NextGen can generate Apama events and send them to an Apama correlator for further processing.
MashZone NextGen also provides direct connectivity to consume data at rest (for example, JDBC, XML, CSV, JSON and Excel files, BigMemory Max and Terracotta). You can refine and condense data from BigMemory Max and Terracotta using Real-Time Analytics Query Language (RAQL) before visualizing it. You can store the results of complex and long-running data feeds into Terracotta for reuse within your dashboards, enabling the push-down of complex queries from MashZone NextGen to Terracotta. With Terracotta you can share the results of data feeds across multiple MashZone NextGen servers. Administrators can trigger materialization of feeds manually or externally via a REST API call.