Software AG Infrastructure 10.7 | Collecting Diagnostic Information About Software AG Products | Running the Diagnostic Tool from the Command Line | The JSON Configuration File
The JSON Configuration File
Use the following template to create a configuration file that you specify when running the Diagnostic Tool in command-line mode:
"version" :...,
"installDir" :...,
"updateManagerDir" :..., // optional - use with "updateManager"
"outputDir" :..., // optional - current directory implied

"collect": {
"includes": [
"excludes": [

"updateManager": {
"includes": [
"excludes": [

"runInstallationValidator" : true,

"logging": {
<profileName>: {
<logger>: <log level or <delete>>
*"version" indicates the version of the configuration file.
*"installDir" is the Software AG installation directory.
*"updateManagerDir" is the Software AG Update Manager directory.
*"outputDir" is the directory where the output zip archive file will be created.
*"collect" determines the files that will be collected.
"includes" describe what files or folders will be included in the file set of the Software AG installation.
"excludes" describe what files or folders will be excluded from the file set of the Software AG installation.
"updateManager" with its own "includes" and "excludes" sections describes what files will be collected from the Software AG Update Manager folder.
*"runInstallationValidator" indicates whether the verification of the integrity of Software AG Common Platform and OSGI profiles of Software AG products is enabled.
"true" indicates that the verification is enabled. This is the default value.
"false" indicates that the verification is disabled. Use this value only if requested by Software AG.
*"logging" represents the changes that will be made to the log configuration. The changes are made per profile, which means that the first element is the profile name for which the configuration will be changed. The elements nested inside the profile name element are key-value pairs, where the keys are the loggers (classes or packages) and the values are the log levels. The value is set to <delete> if the logger should be deleted.
Sample Configuration File
The following sample configuration file collects files and folders from the /install, /profiles, and /common/runtime/bundles directories of a Software AG installation. The configuration file also collects files from the /UpdateManager and /logs folders of the Software AG Update Manager directory. In addition, the configuration file updates the logging configuration of product profiles beginning with "IS_".
Note that some of the elements support glob patterns for wildcard characters. For example, "profiles/*/configuration/*" indicates that for each subfolder of "profiles" the whole "configuration" folder is collected. Also, the logging configuration is applied to each profile beginning with "IS_".
"version": 1, // 1 implied
"installDir": "C:\\SoftwareAG",
"updateManagerDir": "C:\\SUM",
"outputDir": "Z:\\Output",

"collect": {
"includes": [
"excludes": [

"updateManager": {
"includes": [

"runInstallationValidator" : true,

"logging": {
"IS_*": {
"org.springframework": "debug",
"com.softwareag.platform": "debug",
"org.apache.camel": "<delete>"