Installer 10.5 | Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products | Command Central | Adding Product Licenses and Understanding Metering | Understanding License Metering | Usage-Based Metering of a Landscape
Usage-Based Metering of a Landscape
If your licenses are based on usage, Command Central automatically generates a product usage report for billing. This report is an excerpt of the aggregated report and is used by Software AG for billing.
The following table describes the two types of usage-based licenses, the basis for charges, the pricing model for the license, and the data the report contains.
Charges are based on
Pricing Model
Report Data
Base and peak
Product components such as processor cores.
A base number is defined for each type of component and usage is charged when those numbers are exceeded (peak).
Peak number of components for each product. Additional information such as the daily status of a product, the number of installed and running product instances, and the number of used and licensed components.
Total usage
Metrics such as events or connections.
Either of the following:
*All usage is charged.
*A base number is defined for each metric and usage is charged when those numbers are exceeded.
All usage or usage above the base number, depending on the pricing model. Additional information such as the daily status of a product, the number of installed and running product instances, and the number of used and licensed components (for example, processor cores).