Software AG Product Suite 10.4 | Running Web Applications | About Configuring HTTPS Connectors | Modifying the Predefined HTTPS Connector or Creating an HTTPS Connector
Modifying the Predefined HTTPS Connector or Creating an HTTPS Connector
1. Make sure you have a server certificate. You must set the Common Name (CN) of the certificate to the URL of the server, but without the https://. For example, for a server at https://MyWebServer:8443/, the CN is MyWebServer.
2. Go to the Software AG_directory \profiles\CTP\configuration\ com.softwareag.platform.config.propsloader directory.
3. Do one of the following:
*To modify the predefined HTTPS connector, open the file in a text editor.
*To create an HTTPS connector, copy the predefined HTTPS connector properties file and open the copy in a text editor.
4. You can modify the properties described in the following table:
Valid keystore file.
By default, the keystoreFile property points to the localhost_dont_use_in_production.jks keystore, located in the Software AG_directory \profiles\CTP\configuration\tomcat\conf. It is only a sample and must not be used for production purposes.
Password for the keystore.
Java keystore type. Software AG Runtime supports the JKS (default), PKCS1, and PKCS12 Java keystores.
TCP port number on which the connector will create a server socket and await incoming connections. The port number must be unique among all connectors.
Identifies the connector to Software AG Command Central. The alias must be unique across all HTTPS connectors. The alias defaultHttps is assigned to the predefined connector and designates it as the primary HTTPS connector.
Whether to enable or disable the connector. Valid values are true and false. The default is false (disabled).
5. Save the file.
6. Rename the properties file by modifying the port_number in the file name to match the value you specified on the port field.
7. Reopen the properties file and do one of the following:
*If you modified an existing connector, the keystorePass password is already secured. Change the value of the keystorePass property by replacing the secure token handle with a new plaintext password that will be secured in turn and will overwrite the previous password in the secure storage.
*If you created a new connector, secure the keystorePass, keyPass, and truststorePass properties by adding @secure. prefix to the property key. For example, for keystorePass, add the prefix @secure.keystorePass=change_this_password. The next time the properties file configuration is loaded, Software AG Runtime will move the value of the keystorePass property to an encrypted secure storage on the file system under the Software AG_directory \profiles\CTP\configuration\security\passman directory and the configuration will be written back, replacing the value with a secure token that contains a handle from the secure storage instead of the original plaintext value.
8. Save the file.

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