Property | Description |
clientAuth | Whether to require a certificate from the client. Valid values are: true - require a valid certificate chain from the client before accepting a connection. want - request a client certificate chain, but do not fail if one is not presented. false (default) - do not require a certificate chain. |
sslProtocol | Version of SSL to use. The default is TLS. |
SSLEnabled | Whether to enable SecureSocketLayer protocol. Valid values are true or falsel (default). |
keystoreFile | Path to the keystore file that contains the server certificate to use to decrypt the requests and encrypt the responses. |
keystorePass | Password that provides access to the server certificate. If you want to secure the password, replace keystorePass with @secure.keystorePass. |
keystoreType | Type of keystore file to use for the server certificate. The default is JKS. |
keyAlias | Alias that identifies the key pair in the keystore. If not specified, the first key found in the keystore is used. |
algorithm | Certificate encoding algorithm to use. |
port | TCP port number on which this connector should create a server socket and wait for incoming connections. If not specified, the value is 10011. If you install another Software AG Runtime, the installer calculates a new port for that installation that is not already in use. |
scheme | Configured scheme for the SSL communication. Set the value to https. |
enableLookups | When there are IP addresses that connect to the port (before putting data in logs, for example), Tomcat may try to reverse lookup the name of the IP. For example, for IP=, reversed lookup is localhost and localhost is displayed in logs. Valid values are true or false (default). |
secure | Set this property to true. |
minSpareThreads | Number of request processing threads to create when this connector is first started. The default is 10. |
maxSpareThreads | Maximum number of request processing threads to create. The default is 75. |
maxThreads | Maximum number of request processing threads to create. The default is 200. |
acceptCount | Maximum queue length for incoming connection requests when all possible request processing threads are in use. The default is 100. |
maxHttpHeaderSize | Maximum size of the request and response HTTP header, specified in bytes. If not specified, this value is 4096 (4 KB). |
disableUploadTimeout | Allows the use of a different, longer connection timeout in connectionUploadTimeout. If not specified, this value is true. |
connectionUpload Timeout | Connection timeout, in milliseconds. The default is 300000 milliseconds (5 minutes). |