CloudStreams Messages

0010.0715 CloudStreams Upgrade, did not complete successfully.
Class E

This log message may occur when the CloudStreams package loads during the Integration Server restart after an overinstall. This message indicates the upgrade was not successful. There should be a previous error message in the server log that indicates the problem.


See actions for message ID '0010.0702'

0030.0099 PublisherPropsObserver - Unknown wrapper factory data type ({0})

This message has incorrect text. It should indicate an invalid data type for UDDP publisher bean.


Update the pg configuration file to use a proper UDDI publisher data type.

0030.0100 PublisherPropsObserver - Unable to find wrapper factory

There is no UDDI publisher configured, but its properties are being changed.


Update the configuration file. Either configure a UDDI publisher or unregister the UDDI properties observer.

0030.0109 PublisherPropsObserver - Can't convert string ({0}) to integer for publishing interval, ignoring input

The value received for performance data reporting interval was not a valid numeric string.


Make sure a numeric value is input.

0030.0113 PublisherPropsObserver - Unknown pg service deployer data type ({0})

The data typi of the PG Service Deployer bean is invalid.


Update the pg configuration file to use a proper PG Service Deployer data type.

0030.0301 ConsumerApplicationManager.convert - cannot handle null request

Unable to create Consumer deployment object for update.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0302 ConsumerApplicationManager.convert - cannot convert consumer with null {0}

Invalid Consumer deployment object was found.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0303 VirtualServiceDeployer.{0} - cannot handle null {1}

A null reference was found during a deployment activity. The object and activity are identified in the message.


Probably bad SOAP request for deployment, fix request.

0030.0304 VirtualServiceDeployer.deploy - service ({0}) already deployed, undeploying

Info level message, no action required.

0030.0306 VirtualServiceDeployer.{0} - caught this: type({1}) message({2})

Unable to deploy virtual service. See exception message for more details.


Address the problem indicated by exception and try to deploy again.

0030.0309 ClusteredServiceDeployer{0} - cannot handle null {1}

Unable to create VS deployment object for update.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0315 ClusteredConsumerManager.updateConsumer - cannot handle null consumer

Unable to create Consumer object for update.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0318 ClusteredServiceDeployer - cannot deploy null info to cache

A problem occurred while attempting to convert a PGService for deployment to shared cache. There should be another message describing the conversion or deployment issue.


Fix the conversion or deployment problem.

0030.0319 ClusteredServiceDeployer - cannot undeploy null service name from cache

Virtual service undeployment requires a non-empty service name. This is problem with undeployment request payload.


Fix the undeployment request payload.

0030.0328 ConsumerApplicationManager.{0} - cannot handle null update request

Invalid Consumer deployment request for update.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0330 ConsumerApplicationManager - not updating consumer ({0}), modification date, ({1}), is no more recent

Info level message, no action required.

0030.0333 ConsumerApplicationManager.{0} - caught this: type({1}) message({2})

Unable to create and persist Consumer object for update.


Either bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix Request. Or file system problem, check file system permissions. See logged message text for specific error details.

0030.0336 Consumer Application Update Failed; requested update has invalid {0} field

Invalid consumer name or key in remove request.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0337 Consumer Application Remove Failed; consumer ({0}) does not exist

Attempt to remove consumer failed.


Reply to CentraSite Deployment attemp should indicate error. Try redeploying this consumer or resynchronizing all consumers.

0030.0343 RegisteredConsumerNamesManager.{0} - cannot handle null update request

Invalid RegisteredConsumerNames deployment request for update.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0344 Registered Consumer Names Update Failed; requested update has invalid {0} field

Invalid service name or consumer names in registered consumer names update request.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0346 RegisteredConsumerNamesManager - not updating consumer names registered to ({0}), modification date, ({1}), is no more recent

Info level message, no action required.

0030.0347 RegisteredConsumerNamesManager.{0} - cannot handle null update request

Invalid RegisteredConsumerNames deployment request for remove.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0348 Registered Consumer Names Remove Failed; requested update has invalid {0} field

Invalid service consumer name in remove request.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0350 Registered Consumer Names Remove Failed; service ({0}) has no registered consumers

Invalid request to remove RegisteredConsumerNames, must include at least one consumer name.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0352 RegisteredConsumerNamesManager.{0} - caught this: type({1}) message({2})

Unable to create and persist RegisteredConsumerNames object for update.


Either bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix Request. Or file system problem, check file system permissions. See logged message text for specific error details.

0030.0356 VirtualServiceDeployer - unable to get endpoints for {0}, caught this: type({1}), msg({2})

Unable to obtain endpoint for deployed service.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer or bad VSD, fix one or both.

0030.0357 ClusteredRegisteredConsumerNamesDeployer.updateConsumerNames - cannot handle null reg names object

Unable to create RegisteredConsumerNames object for update.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0358 Consumer Application Remove Failed; requested update has invalid name and key fields, both are empty

Consumer remove request must have either name or key to identify consumer; both were null or empty.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0359 ConsumerApplicationManager - Consumer update request has invalid IP range; from ({0}) to ({1})

Consumer update request had invalid IP address range.


Probably bad SOAP request to Deployer, fix request.

0030.0361 VirtualServiceDeployer - redeploying undeployed service ({0}), deployment failed for newer version

Info level message, no action required.

0030.0362 VirtualServiceDeployer - a problem was encountered during deployment, ({0}) will be undeployed and replaced if necessary

Info level message, no action required.

0030.0363 VirtualServiceDeployer.{0} - service({1}) caught this: type({2}) message({3})

Message context encountered an exception while attempting to redeploy or undeploy a virtual service. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0030.0364 Deployment request for service: {0}. Registered consumer name element was processed, but the existing modification date is the same as the request. {1}

Info level message, no action required.

0030.0366 UddiPropertiesObserver - Password lookup failed; type ({0}), message ({1})

A problem was encoutnered by attempting to retrieve stored password. There should be an exception with more specific trouble description.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0030.0367 UddiPropertiesObserver - Unable to activate performance date policies; type ({0}), message ({1})

The performance data deployer was unable to run. This message should include more details regarding the reason.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0030.0370 UddiPropertiesObserver - Unable to connect to UDDI: ({0}); property updates saved, but data collection is OFF.

A problem was encountered during publisher test.


This is probably a bad configuration parameter, fix it.

0030.0371 UddiPropertiesObserver - Unable to convert port string ({0}) to integer, using default port {1}

The value input for 'UDDI port' number is non-numeric.


Input an numeric port value.

0050.0001 Unable to find Policy Element in the VSD:{0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to extract a policy element from VSD. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0002 Unable to create Rampart properties:{0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to assemble Rampart keystore properties. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0003 Unable to replace static Rampart configuration with configured properties:{0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to re-configure Rampart keystore properties. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0004 Unable to create Rampart Configuration Element:{0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to convert Rampart configuration string to XML. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0005 Unable to create XPath to select first Policy Alternative:{0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to create an Xpath object. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0006 Error while removing existing RampartConfig elements:{0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to remove configuration elements. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0007 Required configuration information to enable WS-Security processing is missing. Unable to process service: {0}. Please ensure Keystore/Truststore information is configured

Service could not be initialized due to a problem with keystore/trustore configuration.


Fix the security configuration.

0050.0011 Exception while determining hostname or IP address of the server:{0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to resolve a host name or IP address. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0013 CloudStreams needs the repository location of the SOAP stack

Configuration does not include a valid location for Axis2 repositoryconfiguration.


Fix the axis2 configuration.

0050.0016 ServerManager ready for processing

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0017 CloudStreams encountered exception while starting ServerManager:{0}

An exception was encountered during configuration of Axis2 listeners. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0018 Invalid Port specified. Using default configuration: {0}

The 'port' property has a non-numeric string value, the value configured in Axis is used.


Make sure the property value to numeric.

0050.0019 Port {0} is already in use. Trying alternate

The port indicated in the message is not available to use with a new socket.


Specify another port value in the system 'port' property or Axis configuration.

0050.0020 Exception while creating "id" selection XPath: {0}

Message context encountered an exception while attempting to create an XPath object. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0021 Found Element within Resources element with id: {0}

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0022 Exception while selecting element with id:{0} in Resources Element: {1}

Message context encountered an exception while attempting to extract the indicated element from XML. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0023 CloudStreams received a response for the request with message Id :{0} But a callback is not registered (anymore) to process this response

No callback was registered at the time this response was processed.


This is probably a VS configuration problem.

0050.0024 CloudStreams received a response message without a message Id

There was a problem relating the native service response to a virtual service request.


Look for previously logged message indicating that message Id was not used.

0050.0025 CloudStreams encountered an exception: {0}. No error handlers found - [Message Dropped]

This could be a configuration problem. An exception was encountered while attempting to handle a fault. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the configuration, or other problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0026 Outbound client can't locate policy from the property :{0}

The Synapse message context does not contain an entry for theproperty key identified in the message.


This is a policy configuration problem.

0050.0027 CloudStreams outbound client encountered error:{0}

Client encountered an exception while attempting to send a message. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0029 VSD with incorrect Namespace:{0}. Unable to create PGService.

The namespace found in the VSD is unknown.


This is a virtual service configuration problem.

0050.0031 The {0} element is required for a CloudStreams service

Some element used during service deployment was found to be null. The specific element should be identified in the message text.


This is a virtual service configuration problem.

0050.0032 The {0} sequence element is required for a CloudStreams service

The VSD is missing the sequence element identified in the message.


This is a virtual service configuration problem.

0050.0033 The inSequence for VSD:{0} is invalid.

The sequence identified in the message failed validation. Look for recent error message with more validation failure details.


This is a virtual service configuration problem.

0050.0034 The outSequence for VSD:{0} is invalid.

The sequence identified in the message failed validation. Look for recent error message with more validation failure details.


This is a virtual service configuration problem.

0050.0035 Exception while parsing Virtual Service String Definition:{0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to parse the virtual service description. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0036 Unable to create Virtual Service Definition

Unable to create XML object from the VSD string.


This is a virtual service configuration or deployment problem.

0050.0037 PGServiceFactory encountered and exception while creating the PGService: {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to validate input or output sequence or during WSDL URI processing. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0038 Invalid parameter specified for PGService: {0}

The attribute named in the message has no value in the VSD.


This is a virtual service configuration problem.

0050.0039 Exception {0} for PGService: {1}

An exception was encountered while attempting during service creation. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0040 No PGService found with name: {0}

Attempting to undeploy or get endpoints for a service that does not exist.


Make sure the virtual service exists before operating on it.

0050.0041 WSStack exception processing service: {0} Cause: {1}

An AxisFault was encountered while attempting to either undeploy or get endpoints for the virtual service named in the message. The associated fault message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the fault message.

0050.0042 Unable to locate the WSStack configuration. Can't deploy Virtual Service:{0}

The Synapse configuration cannot supply an Axis configuration.


This is an Axis2/Synapse/WS-Stack configuration problem.

0050.0043 A Virtual Service with name:{0} already exists. Unable to deploy.

Cannot deploy an Axis service when one already exists with the same name.


Undeploy the existing service before attempting to redeploy or use the same name.

0050.0044 Unable to locate WSStack configuration. Please check if WSStack is enabled/correctly configured.

Unable to retrieve the configuration context supplier bean.


This is a Spring bean configuration issue, the pg-config.xml file is missing or corrupted.

0050.0045 Invalid parameter passed for Virtual Service creation:{0}

An attempt to persist the VSD for a service found a null element. The VSD is not allowed to be null.


This may be the result of invalid deployment payload; fix the VSD.

0050.0046 Unable to persist VSD:{0} to disk. Encountered error:{1}

An exception was encountered while attempting to serialize the VSD for the service identified in the message. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0047 Unable to {0} VSD:{1}. Error:{2}

This message is used in several different error conditions, as indicated by the object of 'unable to...'.


Fix the 'unable to...' problem for the service identified by 'VSD:'.

0050.0048 Error getting endpoints for service:{0}, Cause: {1}

An exception was encountered while attempting to get endpoints. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0049 Exception while creating PGService: {0}, Cause: {1}

An AxisFault was encountered while checking if deploying service already exists or while attempting to register service with Axis2. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0050 Error while engaging module: {0}

An AxisFault was encountered while attempting to engage the Axis2 module indicated in the message. The associated fault message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the fault message.

0050.0052 Axis was unable to load module {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to load and engage module identified in message. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0053 Loading the WSDL : {0}

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0055 PGService {0} encountered error while converting wsdl element to a StreamSource:{0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to read WSDL from manifest. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0057 Unknown WSDL format for PGService:{0}, neither WSDL 1.1 nor WSDL 2.0

The current WSDL element has unknown or no namespace associated.


This is a virtual service configuration problem.

0050.0060 Populating SOAP service using WSDL

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0061 Unable to find a WSDL for the PGService:{0}. Assuming a POX or Legacy service

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0062 PGService: {0} is available on transports {1}

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0063 Adding PGService:{0} to the SOAP Stack

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0064 Removing PGService:{0} due to error: axisFault.getMessage()

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0065 Exception while setting policy on PGService:{0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to engage WS-Policy module. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0066 Setting policy with id:{0} on CloudStreams service:{1}

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0068 Successfully created service in SOAP Stack for PGService:{0} containing {1} endpoint(s).

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0069 Error{1} on setting parameter :{0} on CloudStreams service

An exception was encountered while attempting to set a parameter into an Axis service. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0070 creating new CloudStreams service: {0}

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0071 Unable to find service directory for service {0}

Unable to persist WSDL assets because the virtual service directory does not exist.


Redeploying the virtual service should create the service directory.

0050.0074 Error: {0} while reading from file {1}

An exception was encountered while attempting to read the proxy file identified in the message. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0076 Scheduled task[{0}] with startup delay of {1} ms and interval of {2} ms

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0077 Error initializing JMS transport listener. Cause: {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to register JMS listener. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0078 Unable to stop TransportListener called:{0}. Exception:{1}

An AxisFault was encountered while attempting to stop the JMS transport listener during bean initialization. The associated fault message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the fault message.

0050.0083 Error {0} occurred while updating the load balancer properties

An AxisFault was encountered while attempting to add load balancer URL to an Axis transport description. The associated fault message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the fault message.

0050.0084 Loadbalanced Endpoint: [{0}] failed!

A mediation operation to a load balanced endpoint has failed. The endpoint indicated in the message is not available. This usually indicates a communication problem with the targeted server.


Fix the targeted server.

0050.0086 Unable to get the IS keystore manager - please check your configuration!

Unable to retrieve the keystore manager bean.


This is a Spring bean configuration issue, the pg-config.xml file is missing or corrupted.

0050.0089 Unable to get the Rampart Configuration Handler - please check your configuration!

Unable to retrieve the Rampart creation handler bean.


This is a Spring bean configuration issue, the pg-config.xml file is missing or corrupted.

0050.0099 VSD proxy loader, Unable to delete file: {0}

The file or directory indicated in the message could not be deleted.


Determine why the file or directory could not be deleted and make it deletable.

0050.0100 VSD proxy loader, Unable to delete directory: {0}

The directory indicated in the message could not be deleted.


Determine why the directory could not be deleted and make it deletable.

0050.0105 Unable to determine the fault cause. Check the log file for more information.

This error indicates that CloudStreams could not determine the cause for the error when trying to extract the soap fault message from the response. Additional errors, if any, would be present in the Integration Server log file (server.log).

0050.0208 Error resolving WSDL URI. Cause {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to resolve URI elements into XML source. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0209 Error initializing virtual service factory. Cause: {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to initialize XPath elements. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0210 Error setting location of virtual service proxies directory. Path: {0} Cause: {1}

An exception was encountered while attempting to use the directory identified in the message. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0211 Unable to determine service endpoint URI for this service: {0} No transport listener defined for the virtual service's transport protocol.

The configuration context's listener manager cannot find an endpoint for the current service. This may indicate that the hosting IS does not have an appropriate listener registered.


This is a configuration problem, either in IS ports or VSD

0050.0212 Unknown exception deploying virtual service: {0} Cause: {1}

An exception was encountered while attempting to get an endpoint reference from the context listener manager. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0214 Error {0} manifest from external resources associated with virtual service: {1}. Cause: {2}

An exception was encountered while attempting to read WSDL from manifest. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0215 Error initializing virtual service transformation bean with this xslt: {0} Cause: {1}

An exception was encountered while attempting to read the transformation file. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0221 CloudStreams has an internal configuration error. It's deploy-time xslt transformation file path does not exist. Path: {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to read the file identified in the message. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


This is a configuration problem; make sure the file identified in the message exists and contains the transformation.

0050.0235 URI creation error: {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to resolve an endpoint URI. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0250 Could not find user-specified value for HTTP method! Defaulting to inbound request HTTP method {0}

The 'routing method' context variable has an invalid value.


If the value indicated in the message is acceptable, no action is required. Otherwise virtual service configuration must be changed.

0050.0252 Could not set HTTP method for outgoing request for endpoint: {0}

The outgoing request's message context is null.


This is a virtual service/policy configuration problem.

0050.0300 Context variable name ''{0}'' is already declared. Multiple declarations in the same context is not allowed.

Context variable names must be unique for a service.


This is a service configuration problem.

0050.0303 Attempt to reference context variable without providing a message context. Custom context variables may only be declared with a 'session' scope at this time. Other scopes are not supported.

Attempting to get context variable or context variable map, but the message context (or session) is null.


Earlier error messages should provide clues to help determine why a valid message context is null.

0050.0306 Context variable name is required for variable declaration.

Variable name validation failed, QName is null or is missing a local part.


This is a context variable configuration problem.

0050.0307 Namespace URI and prefix is required for custom variable declaration. varName: {0}

Variable name validation failed, Namespace URI and prefix must both be neither null nor empty.


This is a context variable configuration problem.

0050.0308 Context variable name must be a valid identifer ( alpha-numeric, $, or _ permitted ) Found: {0}

Variable name validation failed, name has invalid characters.


This is a context variable configuration problem.

0050.0309 Core Context variables cannot have a namespace or prefix as part of its declaration. varName: {0}

Variable name validation failed, prefix for core variables must be empty.


This is a context variable configuration problem.

0050.0310 Either a Message context or axis service name is required when creating a custom context variable. varName: {0}

Both service name and Axis2 message context are null, this is not acceptable. This is probably the result of attempting to deploy a service with no service name.


Verify that service configuration is correct.

0050.0311 Attempt to create a custom variable using a message context with no AxisService. varName: {0}

The axis2 message context is corrupted, it should identify a service.


Earlier error messages should provide clues to help determine why a valid message context could not be created.

0050.0312 Unexpected error creating custom CloudStreams context variable. varName: {0} reason: {1}

An exception was encountered while attempting to create a custom context variable. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0313 Unexpected error removing custom CloudStreams context variable for service: {0} reason: {1}

An exception was encountered while attempting to remove or inject a custom context variable. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0314 Unexpected error initializing core CloudStreams context variables. reason: {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to create a context variable. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0316 Unexpected error getting CloudStreams context variable value. varName: {0} reason: {1}

An exception was encountered while attempting to get the valuue of the context variable named in the message. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0317 Unexpected error setting CloudStreams context variable value. varName: {0}, value:{1}, reason: {2}

An exception was encountered while attempting to set the context variable value named in the message. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0318 Expected a virtual service name for this method operation, but none was provided.

Attempting to get context variable map for a null service name.


Earlier error messages should provide clues to help determine why a valid service name is null.

0050.0321 CloudStreams context variable adapter unable to locate this type: {0}

The context variable type indicated in the message is unknown.


This is a context variable configuration problem.

0050.0322 Unexpected error getting core CloudStreams context variable value from adapter. type: {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to get the context variable value named in the message. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0323 Only string and int schema types are supported at this time. Type: {0}, declared with ''{1}'' context variable is not supported.

The context variable schema type is not among the accepted types.


This is a service configuration problem.

0050.0324 Context variable name declarations cannot contain $ sign symbols in the name since that is used as a reference operator. varName: {0}

Variable name validation failed, name must include substitution character, (dollar sign).


This is a context variable configuration problem.

0050.0325 Unable to return list of context variables declared for this service: {0} Reason: {1}

An AxisFault was encountered while attempting to retrieve a list of context variable names. The associated fault message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the fault message.

0050.0326 Unable to return list of context variables declared for this message context: {0} Reason: {1}

An AxisFault was encountered while attempting to get a list of context variables or list of variable keys. The associated fault message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the fault message.

0050.0327 Context variable name deployed with virtual service {0} references an unknown namespace prefix. name attribute: {1}

Context variable identified in message has invalid namespace.


This is a context variable configuration problem.

0050.0328 Exception while copying context variables from request to response message context. Reason: {0}

An AxisFault was encountered while attempting to copy context variable names between contexts. The associated fault message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the fault message.

0050.0329 Could not create backup directory for failed services! Dir tried = {0}

An attempt to create the 'failed services' directory has failed.


Determine why the directory could not be created. Either fix the creation problem or specify a different directory.

0050.0331 Error occurred when getting backup directory for path {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to determine directory for backing up failed services. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0333 Error occurred while resolving URI; message = {0}

An exception was encountered during URI resolution. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0337 Previously selected {0} port {1} is no longer enabled or available!

The message indicates port number and type. The requested port is not available.


Select a new port number for the indicated port type.

0050.0343 Context variable API expected an IData object for ctx variable, {0}, but received this: {1}

The data element from which a context variable is to be extracted has an unknown data type.


This is probably a flow configuration problem; where the pipeline was populated with an invalid value.

0050.0344 Attempt to insert {0} core ctx variable with invalid value type: {1}. Expected a collection of this type: {2}

.The allowable data type for a core context variable is restricted, depending on variable type.


.This is a context variable configuration problem.

0050.0345 Unable to access array element [{0}] in SOAP_HEADERS core ctx variable. Cause: {1}

The index value indicated in the message must be numeric.


This is a context variable configuration problem.

0050.0346 Invalid array or key reference for core ctx variable. This substitution string has mismatched braces: {0}

The context variable substitution string is invalid, mismatched brace characters were found.


This is a context variable configuration problem.

0050.0347 Attempt to create an IData value for a ctx variable from an unsupported class type. CtxVar: {0} Bad type: {1}

The context variable to be converted to IData has an unknown data type.


This is a context variable configuration problem.

0050.0348 Unable to append header block to the end of the soap header. Cause: {0}, soapHeader element: {1}

An exception was encountered while attempting to add append new SOAP header block. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0349 Unable to prepend header block to the beginning of the soap header. Cause: {0}, soapHeader element: {1}

An exception was encountered while attempting to add prepend new SOAP header block. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0350 Unable to remove header block from the soap header. Cause: {0}, soapHeader: {1}

An exception was encountered while attempting to remove a SOAP header block. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0351 Unable to set header block at position {0} of the soap header. Cause: {1}, soapHeader element: {2}

An exception was encountered while attempting to replace a SOAP header block with a new one. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0357 Error occurred when getting STS configurations directory for path {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to create the directory indicated in the message. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0362 Error occurred when creating STS client

An exception was encountered while attempting to create an STS client object. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0364 Error occurred when initializing default STS configuration store

An exception was encountered while attempting to create JAXB marshaller/unmarshaller pair. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0367 Error occurred when saving STS configuration to disk

An exception was encountered while attempting to marshal configuration object into file. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0368 Error occurred when reading STS configuration from file {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to unmarshal configuration file indicated in the message into JAXB object. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0371 Error getting IS keystore manager instance!

An exception was encountered while attempting to get a reference to the keystore manager. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0373 Error occurred when adding rampart configuration to STS policy

An exception was encountered while attempting to configure the STS policy. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0379 Error occurred when adding assertion to STS policy

An exception was encountered while attempting to add an assertion to a WS-Policy artifact. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0382 Error occurred when adding OnBehalfOf element to WS-Trust request element

An exception was encountered while attempting to add the WS-Trust element to a request. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0383 Error occurred when sending WS-Trust request to STS to obtain SAML assertion

An exception was encountered while attempting to add SAML assertion to pipeline. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0389 Adding OnBehalfOf element in WS-Trust request for IS user {0}

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0390 Could not find base STS policy file: {0} !

An exception was encountered while attempting to load a WS-Policy artifact from the file indicated in the message. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0391 Error occurred when getting STS configurations! Check to see if the ISTSClientConfigManager bean is configured!

The STS configuration manager bean could not be found.


This is a Spring bean configuration issue, the pg-config.xml file is missing or corrupted.

0050.0394 Error occurred when getting key aliases for keystore {0}: Error: {1}

An exception was encountered while attempting to add a list of certificate aliases to the pipeline. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0395 Error occurred when getting keystore handles {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to add a list of keystore handles to the pipeline. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0396 Error when signing SAML assertion and SOAP request body

An exception was encountered while attempting to sign a SAML assertion and request body. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0397 Error occurred when adding ws-addressing headers to outbound soap request; Error: {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to add WS-Addressing headers. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0400 Using default timestamp value of 300s, because input TTL {0} is invalid (-ve or too big)

The input value was not valid, a default was used.


If the default is acceptable, no action is required. Otherwise update the configuration.

0050.0404 Response content type was empty! Falling back to original request content-type [{0}]

The response message context contained an empty 'ContentType', so the type from the original request was used.


This may be acceptable. If not, then configuration update will be required.

0050.0507 ScaDeploymentPayload.extractParts found no virtual service requests

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0508 Unexpected exception, attempting to {0}, caught: type({1}), msg({2})

An exception was encountered while attempting to process a deployment request. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0509 ScaDeploymentPayload.extractParts - Unable to find consumer file {0}, for component {1})

The SCA deployment package was expected to contain a file to define the consumer identified in the message. The file was not found.


This is a deployment payload construction problem.

0050.0510 Unexpected exception, attempting to process {0} request, caught: type({1}), msg({2})

An exception was encountered while attempting to process a deployment request. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0515 ScaCompositeConfiguration found component with implementation type ({0})

Info level message, no action required.

0050.0516 {0} - unable to convert string ({1}) to XMLGregorianDate: exception message ({2})

The date element from the deployment payload has an unexpected format.


This is problem with the contents of the deployment payload.

0050.0517 DeploymentPayload.{0} - input pipeline does not contain expected key ({1})

The deployment payload must include an element with the key indicated in the message.


This is problem with the contents of the deployment payload.

0050.0519 ScaDeploymentPayload - unable to delete temporary zip file: ({0})

The file indicated in the message could not be deleted.


Determine why the file could not be deleted and make it deletable.

0050.0520 DeploymentPayload - invalid request type: {0}

The deployment payload type is unknown.


This is a deployment payload construction problem.

0050.0528 DeploymentPayload - found null/empty virtual service descriptor for service {0}

The deployment payload must contain a VSD. The VSD for the service identified in the message was not found.


This is a deployment payload construction problem.

0050.0603 Error occurred when adding UsernameToken to SOAP Envelope: {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to add username token to the pipeline. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0050.0605 Error occurred when adding X.509 token to SOAP Envelope: {0}

An exception was encountered while attempting to add X509 token to the pipeline. The associated exception message should include more details regarding the problem.


Fix the problem identified by the exception message.

0100.0001 The specified node {0} could not be found.

0100.0002 You have specified an invalid transformer service {0} for the cloud service node {1}.

0100.0003 Error occurred while handling the custom service signature for the cloud service node {0}. Error is {1}.

0100.0004 You have specified an invalid transformer service {0} for the cloud service node {1}. The transformer service should have a signature with Input/Output prefixes.

0100.0005 You have specified an invalid transformer service {0} for the cloud service node {1}. The root of the transformer service signature should be a document type only.

0101.0206 Invalid threshold value specified during large data configuration. Please specify long value greater than '0'.

0101.0311 Error occurred while validating certificate ''{0}''. Error is ''{1}''

An error occurred while validating a certificate. This can be due to an invalid certificate or a non-existent certificate.


Ensure that the certificate specified is valid and exists in the filesystem.

0101.0316 Database Publishing cannot be enabled. Configure the CloudStreams JDBC pool from the Settings > JDBC Pools page in Integration Server Administrator.

0101.0318 You have exceeded the maximum number of retry attempts [ {0} ] !

CloudStreams has failed to establish a connection with the maximum retry counts.

0101.0319 Invoking 'pub.client:http' service with the following inputs. URL: {0}, Request Body: {1}, Proxy alias: {2}.

0101.0320 Error occurred while invoking the 'pub.client:http' service. Details: {0}.

0101.0321 The Authentication Server URL is empty. Provide a valid input.

0101.0322 Request body parameters are empty. Provide valid inputs.

0101.0323 No {0} defined. Provide a valid input.

0101.0324 Invalid KeyStore details. Provide valid inputs.

0101.0325 The signing algorithm is empty. Provide a valid input.

0101.MISSING_INPUT Missing Input

0103.0090 Proxy settings for alias "{0}" does not exist.

The configuration for proxy alias specified in the connection alias is missing.


Ensure that the proxy alias specified in the connection, points to a valid proxy configuration in Integration Server.

0103.0091 Proxy settings for alias "{0}" is disabled.

The configuration for proxy alias specified in the connection alias is disabled.


Ensure that the proxy alias specified in the connection, points to an enabled proxy configuration in Integration Server.

0103.0102 Error extracting attributes for the event {0}. Reason :{1}

0103.LOG_INVOCATION Log Invocation

Write incoming event data to the server log.

0103.SERVICE_INVOCATION Service Invocation

0103.serviceName.displayName Service Name

Integration Server service.

0201.0047 Large payload found for 'CollectionKey' : ''{0}'', 'Name' : ''{1}'', 'Provider' : ''{2}''. Note that large payload will not be logged into the transaction logs.

Request and response payloads greater than threshold size will not be logged into the transaction logs. This is to avoid flooding your DB or server logs with large payloads. Large payloads are those payloads whose length is greater than the threshold value. This value is configured at the CloudStreams server level.


You can increase a default threshold value in case you want to log the payload into transaction logs. But note that the stream smaller than the threshold value will be in memory. Hence you must tune your IS JVM heap space based on your load and payload sizes.

0300.0048.description Define any custom configurations specific to the SaaS provider.

0300.0049 OAuth Alias

0300.0049.description Define the OAuth tokens alias to be used for the connection.

0300.0101.description Define the required connection configurations to initiate communication with the SaaS provider.

0300.0102.description Define configurations needed for the username and password based authentication to the SaaS provider.

0300.0103.description Define the HTTP request header contents that will be used while making a request to a SaaS provider.

0300.0104.description Define configurations needed for the HTTP protocol that the connection will use to connect to the SaaS provider.

0300.0126.description Define configurations needed for Amazon web services requests requiring AWS Signature Version 2 authentication.

0300.0127.description Indicates that the group is defined for the Amazon S3 authentication scheme and it uses the Access Key and the Secret Key of the client to authenticate the requests.

0300.0128.description Define configurations needed for Amazon web services requests requiring AWS Signature Version 4 authentication.

0300.0129 Invalid proxy server alias specified ''{0}''. Ensure that proxy server alias ''{0}'' exists and is valid.

Invalid proxy server alias is provided in the cloud connection.


Ensure that proxy server alias exists and is valid.

0300.0130.description Define the configurations needed for the OAuth version 1.0a authentication scheme.

0300.0131.description Define configurations needed for the OAuth version 2.0 authentication scheme.

0300.0132 'Refresh Token' value is required when "{0}" is selected as 'Refresh Request Type' for refreshing the OAuth V2.0 access token

'Refresh Token' is a required field when 'Refresh Access Token' is 'true' and option selected for 'Refresh Request Type' is '{0}' in the OAuth V2.0 configuration screen


Specify a value for the 'Refresh Token' field

0300.0133 'Refresh URL' value is required when "{0}" is selected as 'Refresh Request Type' for refreshing the OAuth V2.0 access token

'Refresh URL' is a required field when 'Refresh Access Token' is 'true' and option selected for 'Refresh Request Type' is '{0}' in the OAuth V2.0 configuration screen


Specify a value for the 'Refresh URL' field

0300.0134 'Custom ESB Service Name' value is required when "Custom ESB Service" is selected as 'Refresh Request Type' for refreshing the OAuth V2.0 access token

'Custom ESB Service Name' value is required when "Custom ESB Service" is selected as 'Refresh Request Type' for refreshing the OAuth V2.0 access token


Specify a value for the 'Custom ESB Service Name' field

0300.0149 OAuth V2.0 (Authorization Code Flow)

0300.0149.description Define the configurations needed for generating tokens using the Authorization Code flow.

0300.0150 OAuth V2.0 (JWT Flow)

0300.0150.description Define the configurations needed for generating tokens using the JSON Web Token (JWT) flow.

0300.bayeux_http_long_polling.displayName Bayeux HTTP Long Polling

0300.bu.handshakeRetryInterval.displayName Handshake Retry Interval Alias to reference a key inside a key store file Client Key Alias Overrides the value defined for ''cr.clientKeyAlias'' Client Key Password

this is used to override the cn.clientKeyAlias' field value. Time period after which idle connections in the pool will be closed Idle Timeout The time period for which the connection will be kept alive, if the back-end does not return a Keep-Alive header. -1 implies that the connection will be kept alive forever. Keep Alive Interval Alias for the Integration Server key store configuration Keystore Alias

0300.jwt.authenticationServerUrl Authentication Server URL

0300.jwt.header.alg Signing Algorithm

0300.oauth_v20.authenticationServerUrl Authentication Server URL

0300.oauth_v20.authorizationServerUrl Authorization Server URL

0300.oauth_v20.sub Subject (whom the token refers to)

0300.oauth_v20.sub.displayName Subject The HTTP Redirection Strategy HTTP Redirection Strategy

0501.0005 Error while initializing the connector ''{0}''. Details: {1}
Class Error

An error occurred while trying to initialize the specified connection definition. The Details describe the exact cause of the error.


For more information, see the Integration Server logs. Try to correct the error and reload the provider package.

0501.0009 I/O exception, while trying to load manifest for connector: {0}. Details: {1}
Class Error

An error occurred while reading the connector manifest file at the specified location. The error occurs if the manifest file is missing or corrupted, or the manifest file does not contain the required attribute definitions.


Re-install the connector.

0501.0025 Duplicate definition found for operation: {0} in connector definition for: {1}. Ignoring!
Class Warning

The specified connector descriptor contains more than one operation definition against the specified name {0}. The duplicate definition will be ignored.


Correct the connector descriptor and ensure that each operation name definition is unique.

0501.0028 No operations defined in the connector definition: {0}, while the WSDL model contains {1} operation(s).
Class Warning

The connector descriptor does not include any valid operation definition, while the WSDL definition contains one or more operation definitions.


Include one or more valid operation definitions in the connector descriptor.

0501.0030 No abstract type defined in service: {0}. Ignoring complex type check for interaction: {1}, connector: {2}
Class Warning

One or more interactions are marked as COMPLEX, but the connector descriptor does not define any 'abstractObject' definition. The interaction will be treated as a SIMPLE interaction.


Consider either including an 'abstractObject' definition for the specified service or mark the interaction type as SIMPLE.

0501.0031 Exception while populating the abstract definition for operation: {0}. Details: {1}
Class Warning

Unable to populate the abstract definition for the specified operation. The operation will be treated as SIMPLE operation.


For more information, see the Integration Server log. Correct the error based on the information from the log or mark the operation type as SIMPLE.

0501.0052 Unable to {0} the document type package ''{1}'' for connector: {2}. Details: {3}
Class Error

The error occurred while performing the specified operation on the connector.


For more information, see the Integration Server log.

0501.0080 Error loading the model for resource: {0}
Class Error

A parsing error occurred while loading the connector descriptor for the specified resource.


For more information, see the Integration Server log.

0501.0082 Unable to load resource file {0}. Details: {1}

Error occurred while loading the resource file or no schema definition file found at {0}. No schema validation would be performed.


Ensure that the necessary XML Schema file {0} exists at the location

0501.0202 At least one connection for the connector: {0} is enabled. Disable all the connections for this connector.
Class Warning

You tried to disable a connector that contains one or more enabled connections.


You must disable all the connections created for the connector, before disabling the connector.

0501.0218 No provider registered with name: {0}
Class Warning

No provider with the specified name is registered with webMethods CloudStreams.


Check the provider name. Typically, the provider name is the same as the provider package name for the package that contains the connector definitions.

0501.0219 No connector registered with name: {0}
Class Warning

No connector descriptor is registered with webMethods CloudStreams for the specified identifier.


Check the connector identifier. See the 'connector-Key' in the manifest.cpd file for the connector unique identifier.

0501.0224 Unable to delete the connector: {0}, the connector is enabled.
Class Warning

The connector cannot be deleted, because it is currently enabled.


When you want to delete the connector, you must first disable the connector. You cannot recover a connector after deleting it and you lose all the connector-related artificats.

0501.0227 Error initializing the provider registry and meta-data handler factory. Details: {0}
Class Error

Unable to initialize and load the provider registry.


For more information, see the Integration Server log.

0501.0231 Error {0} provider: {1}. Details: {2}
Class Error

The error occurred when registering or unregistering the provider.


For more information, see the Integration Server log.

0501.0262 Invalid mapping ''{0}'' found. Source type ''{1}'' and target type ''{2}''.

The specified mapping defined in the connector XML of a Provider is invalid.


Correct the mapping and ensure that the source and target types are valid, and the source type supports the output to a given target type. See Administering webMethods CloudStreams guide for more details.

0501.0265 An exception occurred while creating a connection for the connector: {0}. Details: {1}

0501.0266 Connection created successfully.

0501.0267 Connection updated successfully.

0501.0268 An exception occurred while updating the connection: {0}. Details: {1}

0501.0269 Connection deleted successfully.

0501.0270 An exception occurred while deleting the connection : {0}. Details: {1}

0502.0004 Error occurred while registering connection node: ''{0}''.
Class Error

If the connection is enabled as per the node definition, Integration Server tries to enable the connection during restart or package reload. During this process, no connection is established with the SaaS provider and an exception occurs.


Check if the connection parameters are valid and if a connection can be established using those parameters. Also, in the connector configuration file, check if the mappings and operation names/document types are configured correctly for the connection type.

0502.0006 Error while unregistering connection alias: ''{0}''.
Class Error

This error may occur under different circumstances. The Integration Server log contains the details of the error that explain the root cause for the error.


For more information, see the Integration Server error log.

0502.0007 Error while making a copy of connection alias: ''{0}''.
Class Error

If you make a copy of a connection node using Designer, the copy of the source connection node might not be available in the file system.


Check if the node.ndf file of the source connection node is available for read and that it is valid.

0502.0017 Unable to create node ''{0}'' in the server namespace.
Class Error

This error may occur under different circumstances. The Integration Server log contains the details of the error that explain the root cause for the error.


For more information, see the Integration Server error log.

0502.0047 Error occurred while destroying a connection instance of the alias: ''{0}''. Details: {1}
Class Error

The error occurs when disabling a connection and 1/ The SaaS provider is not accessible. 2/ The logout request can not be created succesfully, because of incorrect mappings or document types specified in the connector configuration file.


For more information, see the Integration Server logs.

0502.0056 Updating the connection alias {0} failed because the connection is enabled. Disable the connection and try updating again.
Class Error

The error occurs when you attempt to delete or update a connection alias when the connection is enabled.


Disable the connection alias and try updating or deleting the connection again.

0502.0118 Unable to set {0} connection state to ''{1}''. The following dependent listeners are enabled: [{2}]

Connection state cannot be changed if dependent listeners are enabled.

0502.0224 Error occurred while initializing the connection metadata builder for the given connection ''{0}''

An error occurred while loading the connection metadata (connection attributes) associated with the specified connection.


Ensure that all the connection attributes are valid for the specified connection. Check the server log for the Integration Server for more details.

0502.0225 'Session Management' under 'Connection Management Properties' must be enabled when OAuth V2.0 'Refresh Access Token' is configured to 'true'

'Session Management' under 'Connection Management Properties' must be configured to 'idle' or 'fixed' when OAuth V2.0 'Refresh Access Token' is configured to 'true'


Either configure 'Session Management' under 'Connection Management Properties' to 'idle' or 'fixed' or configure 'OAuth V2.0' 'Refresh Access Token' to 'false'

0502.0226 'Refresh Access Token' under 'OAuth V2.0' configuration must be configured to 'true' when 'Session Management' under 'Connection Management Properties' is enabled

'Refresh Access Token' under 'OAuth V2.0' configuration must be configured to 'true' when 'Session Management' under 'Connection Management Properties' is configured to 'idle' or 'fixed'


Either configure 'Refresh Access Token' under 'OAuth V2.0' configuration to 'true' or disable 'Session Management' under 'Connection Management Properties' by configuring it to 'none'

0503.0101 Error while retrieving the service list from provider. Connection name ''{0}''. Details: {1}

The CloudStreams server cannot load the connector model for the specified connection name.


Ensure that the associated connector model is valid or exists, and that the model loads without an error.

0503.0106 Error creating CloudStreams connector service: ''{0}''. Details: {1}

The inputs provided or configured when creating the connector service are incomplete, invalid, or not supported. The error also occurs when the CloudStreams server is trying to load an existing CloudStreams service node that is corrupted.


Ensure that the service is configured properly. If you are using a custom connector, ensure that it is valid and that the service node is not corrupted.

0503.0108 Error occured while registering the cloud connector service {0} with connector virtual service.

A CloudStreams connector service is registered with a connector virtual service whenever the cloud connector service is created or updated. The registration is required for generating Analytics information.


Ensure that the connector virtual service that the CloudStreams connector service refers to is valid and available.

0503.0109 Unable to invoke CloudStreams connector service ''{0}''. Details: {1}.

Internal error while executing the cloud connector service.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

0503.0112 Unable to invoke CloudStreams connector service ''{0}'' because the associated connection ''{1}'' is not found.

The connection associated with the specified CloudStreams connector service or the connection alias passed at runtime does not exist.


Ensure that the associated or specified connection exists and that the connection is enabled.

0503.0113 Unable to invoke CloudStreams connector service ''{0}'' because the associated connection ''{1}'' is disabled.

The connection associated with the CloudStreams connector service or the connection alias passed at runtime exists, but is disabled.


Ensure that the associated or specified connection exists and that the connection is enabled.

0503.0116 Unable to retrieve virtual service runtime instance while executing CloudStreams connector service ''{0}''

Internal error while executing the cloud connector service.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

0503.0120 Error occurred while invoking CloudStreams connector service ''{0}'' using virtual service ''{1}''. Details: {2}

Internal error while executing the cloud connector service.


Contact Software AG Global Support.

0503.0121 Error occurred while registering CloudStreams connector service ''{0}'' with cloud virtual service ''{1}''.

A CloudStreams connector service is registered with a connector virtual service whenever the connector service is created or updated. The registration is required for generating Analytics information.


Ensure that the connector virtual service that the CloudStreams connector service refers to is valid and available.

0503.0122 Error occurred while unregistering CloudStreams connector service ''{0}'' with cloud virtual service ''{1}''.

A CloudStreams connector service is un-registered with a connector virtual service whenever the connector service is deleted. This is required for generating Analytics information.


Ensure that the connector virtual service that the CloudStreams connector service refers to is valid and available.

0503.0123 Error while retrieving the default virtual service name for ''{0}'' based connector service. Details: {1}

The error occurred while retrieving the connector virtual services list because of an internal error.


Ensure that WmCloudStreams package is loaded without any warnings. If the problem persists, contact Software AG Global Support.

0503.0124 Error retrieving business object list. Connection name ''{0}''. Details: {1}

The error occurs because of one of the following reasons: 1/ The connection does not exists or is disabled. 2/ The session ID for the connection has expired. 3/ The backend is not available or it cannot be reached to retrive the metadata from the backend SaaS provider.


To resolve this error, ensure that: 1/ The connection exists and is enabled. 2/ The connection is enabled and has a valid session ID. You can turn on the session management connection option. 3/ Ensure that the backend is reachable and metadata is retrieved successfully from the backend SaaS provider.

0503.0125 Error retrieving business object description. Connection name ''{0}''. Details: {1}

The error occurs because of one of the following reasons: 1/ The connection does not exists or is disabled. 2/ The session ID for the connection has expired. 3/ The backend is not available or cannot be reached to retrieve metadata from the backend SaaS provider.


To resolve the error, ensure that: 1/ The connection exists and is enabled. 2/ The connection is enabled and has a valid session ID. You can turn on the session management connection option. 3/ The backend is reachable and metadata is retrieved successfully from the backend SaaS provider.

0503.0126 Invalid lookup service ''{0}'' specified.

Lookup services are invoked during the cloud connector service definition. The lookup services should exist in the Integration Server namespace.


Ensure that the lookup service specified in the error message exists in the Integration Server namespace and it is accessible.

0503.0127 Invalid service specification ''{0}''. The lookup service ''{1}'' must use the specification ''{2}''.

Every lookup service must implement the specified service specification.


Ensure that the specified lookup service implements the required service specification.

0503.0128 Unable to invoke CloudStreams connector service ''{0}''.

Cloud connector services access the connection from a connection pool during service invocation. The error occures when the CloudStreams framework cannot obtain a connection from a connection pool.


Analyze the cloud service usage and ensure that the connection is properly configured. Also, the connection pool should have a free available connection whenever a CloudStreams connector service is invoked.

0503.0210 Unable to load the REST service node model for ''{0}''.

0503.0212 Invalid REST resource end point: ''{0}''

The REST resource end point is not resolved correctly. It may have entries in brackets({}) that should be resolved.


Check if the required Parameters are passed during the cloud connector service execution. You can also set any default values on the "Parameter" tab in Designer.

0503.0213 Error in ServiceDispatcher, invalid input.

One of the key inputs for service execution is missing, such as a connection that is enabled or a virtual service.


Check if the connection exists and is enabled. In Designer, check if the virtual service is available. Also, check that the values you specified for the inputs are correct.

0503.0217 Unable to apply mapping on CloudStreams connector service ''{0}'', for operation "{1}". Details: ''{2}''

Error while reading or applying the mappings.


Check the mappings available in the Cloud Provider Descriptor.

0503.0233 Could not execute the map service ''{0}''. Exception: {1}

The map service associated with the mapping could not be executed.


Check the server log for more details.

0503.0297 Parameter ''{0}'' is not supported for mapping because the Data Type is Record.

0503.0513 Unable to identify connectorID or none specified

ConnectorID is not specified or empty while creating cloud connector service


Please provide a valid connectorID

0503.0514 Unable to identify providerName or none specified

Provider Name is not specified or empty while creating cloud connector service


Please provide a valid provider name

0503.0519 Invalid InteractionHandler implementation {0} specified for the interaction name {1}. Note that if the interaction type is {2} then InteractionHandler must implements the abstract class {3}.

Interaction implementation can be externalised to Java based implementation. If the interaction is involved with multiple business objects then connector developer should leverage the built in abstract implementation class. This abstract implementation can generate the input and output cloud service based on various properties configurations. Internally CloudStreams server generates the signature based of various templates. These internal templates reads the multiple properties and generates the signatures.


Make sure that the implementation class specified extends the mentioned abstract InteractionHandler class.

0504.0039 Subscription details are not available. Update the subscription from the Service Development perspective in Software AG Designer before enabling the CloudStreams connector listener.

Update the listener node and select a subscriber from the available list of subscribers.

0504.0066 Updated the connector listener ''{0}'' of package ''{1}''.

Connector listener updation has failed. See the server/error logs for details.


Ensure that the connector listener which you are updating is not locked or in readonly mode. If the problem still persists, restart the Integration Server. If the problem still remains, contact Support.

0550.0001 Error while creating Connection ''{0}''.

0550.0002 Error while deleting Connection ''{0}''.

0550.0003 Error while retrieving details for Connection ''{0}''.

0550.0004 Error while updating Connection ''{0}''.

0550.0005 Error while checking for Connection ''{0}''.

0550.0006 Error while fetching list of Connections.

0550.0007 Error while creating Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0008 Error while deleting Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0009 Error while retrieving details for Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0010 Error while updating Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0011 Error while fetching manifest content for Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0012 Error while fetching list of Connectors.

0550.0013 Error while loading model for Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0014 Error while creating REST Resource ''{0}''.

0550.0015 Error while deleting REST Resource ''{0}''.

0550.0016 Error while updating REST Resource ''{0}''.

0550.0017 Error while retrieving details for REST Resource ''{0}''.

0550.0018 Error while checking for REST Resource ''{0}''.

0550.0019 Error while fetching list of REST Resources.

0550.0020 Error while creating Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0021 Error while updating Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0022 Error while deleting Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0023 Error while retrieving details for Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0024 Error while fetching list of Providers.

0550.0025 Error while creating Service ''{0}''.

0550.0026 Error while deleting Service ''{0}''.

0550.0027 Error while retrieving details for Service ''{0}''.

0550.0028 Error while updating Service ''{0}''.

0550.0029 Error while checking for Service ''{0}''.

0550.0030 Error while fetching list of Services.

0550.0031 {0} ''{1}'' already exists.

0550.0032 {0} ''{1}'' not found.

0550.0033 Error during {0} operation for {1} ''{2}''.

0550.0034 Error during {0} operation for {1}.

0550.0035 Error loading {0} ''{1}''.

0550.0036 ''{0}'' is a required input.

0550.0037 ''{0}'' is a required input when {1}.

0550.0038 Invalid input ''{0}'' for ''{1}''. Valid values are {2}.

0550.0039 Creating Connection ''{0}''.

0550.0040 Created Connection ''{0}''.

0550.0041 Deleting Connection ''{0}''.

0550.0042 Deleted Connection ''{0}''.

0550.0043 Retrieving details for Connection ''{0}''.

0550.0044 Updating Connection ''{0}''.

0550.0045 Updated Connection ''{0}''.

0550.0046 Checking for Connection ''{0}''.

0550.0047 Listing Connections.

0550.0048 Creating Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0049 Created Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0050 Deleting Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0051 Deleted Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0052 Retrieving details for Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0053 Updating Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0054 Updated Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0055 Checking for Connector ''{0}''.

0550.0056 Listing Connectors.

0550.0057 Creating REST Resource ''{0}''.

0550.0058 Created REST Resource ''{0}''.

0550.0059 Deleting REST Resource ''{0}''.

0550.0060 Deleted REST Resource ''{0}''.

0550.0061 Retrieving details for REST Resource ''{0}''.

0550.0062 Updating REST Resource ''{0}''.

0550.0063 Updated REST Resource ''{0}''.

0550.0064 Checking for REST Resource ''{0}''.

0550.0065 Listing REST Resources.

0550.0066 Creating Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0067 Created Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0068 Deleting Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0069 Deleted Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0070 Retrieving details for Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0071 Updating Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0072 Updated Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0073 Checking for Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0074 Listing Providers.

0550.0075 Creating Service ''{0}''.

0550.0076 Created Service ''{0}''.

0550.0077 Deleting Service ''{0}''.

0550.0078 Deleted Service ''{0}''.

0550.0079 Retrieving details for Service ''{0}''.

0550.0080 Updating Service ''{0}''.

0550.0081 Updated Service ''{0}''.

0550.0082 Checking for Service ''{0}''.

0550.0083 Listing Services.

0550.0084 Unable to load connection manager factory: {0}.

0550.0085 ''{0}'' is not a supported Connector type.

0550.0086 Error while publishing provider ''{0}''.

0550.0087 Error while installing provider ''{0}''.

0550.0088 Enter a valid Package Name.

0550.0089 Development package for provider ''{0}'' does not exist.

0550.0090 Could not create the Provider package under ''{0}''.

0550.0091 Publishing the package for Provider ''{0}''...

0550.0092 Package published for Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0093 Installing Provider ''{0}''...

0550.0094 Installed Provider ''{0}''.

0550.0095 Creating a temporary folder for provider ''{0}'' under ''{1}''...

0550.0096 Moving the Provider artifacts under ''{0}''...

0550.0097 Copying the file ''{0}'' under ''{1}''...

0550.0098 Creating the package zip file for provider ''{0}''...

0550.0099 Moving the provider package ''{0}'' to ''{1}''...

0601.0002 Error:{0}

An exception occurred while parsing the fetched data from the database.


Check whether CloudStreams 'JDBC Pool alias ' is configured properly.

Add_Group Add Group...

AuditLogger_Editor_Name Logged Fields

Bundle-Name CloudStreams Service Editors

Bundle-Vendor Software AG

BusinessObjectPage_Available_Obj_Label Available Business Objects

BusinessObjectPage_FIlter_Text type filter text

0010.0014 PolicyGateway.shutdownMyService - Unable to remove service:{0}. Error:{1}
Class E

A virtual service was not completely removed during CloudStreams package unload.


No action is necessary if the error occurred while the Integration Server was shutting down.

0010.0020 Consumer file [{0}] could not be found! Could not load Consumer information into CloudStreams.
Class W

Consumer definitions defined in the CloudStreams admin are persisted in an XML file in a directory under the WmCloudStreams package.


No action is necessary if no consumers have been defined; otherwise, please contact support.

0010.0062 Unable to get the password for callback identifier: {0}
Class E

Error while retrieving the cleartext password from the encrypted passman file store.


Review the CloudStreams STS configuration, else this is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu > WmCloudStreams package's list of services, if available.

0010.0083 Non-fatal CloudStreams package initialization error. {0}, {1}
Class W

CloudStreams encountered an error during an upgrade processing step, after the package initialization has completed.


Verify whether the overinstall upgrade steps were followed as defined in the documentation, else this is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0010.0085 CloudStreams - Unable to find ClusterStateCache
Class E

CloudStreams defines a cache for this information even when the product is not clustered.


Contact support.

0010.0190 Error initializing CloudStreams keystore manager's keystore. Path:{0}, Cause: {1}
Class E

Verify whether a valid keystore file exists for this path and the file permissions allow for the Integration Server to read the file.

0010.0212 Endpoint connection timeout duration expected as a number but was not a number ({0})
Class E

A virtual service was deployed with an invalid connection timeout specified for its native provider endpoint.


Review the advanced endpoint configuration in CentraSite and redeploy the service if necessary.

0010.0214 Either both keystore and key alias must be specified or none for the SSL configuration; KeyStore alias = [{0}]; Key alias = [{0}]
Class E

A virtual service with a native provider SSL endpoint was deployed with an invalid advanced endpoint configuration. The endpoint must have a valid alias for both the keystore file and the keystore entry aliases as defined in the Integration Server, or it can have no aliases defined at all.


Update the advanced endpoint configuration and redeploy the virtual service to CloudStreams.

0010.0217 Error occurred while getting the password for handle {0} from the passman.
Class E

An attempt to retrieve a cleartext password from a passman encrypted file store failed.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0010.0218 Error occurred when storing the password for handle {0} in the passman.
Class E

An attempt to save a password in a passman encrypted file store failed during CloudStreams STS configuration.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloustreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0010.0220 Error while converting the given WS-Policy component to string.
Class E

Cloudstreams was unable to parse policy elements used in producing request security tokens (RST) to a configured security token service (STS).


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0010.0702 CloudStreams upgrade/migration has been interrupted due to an error. Details: {0}
Class E

This log message may occur when the CloudStreams package loads during the Integration Server restart after an overinstall. It indicates that the upgrade was not successful and further actions are required.


Depending on the error message, the following options are available: 1) Resolve the issue which is causing the upgrade to fail and then restart the Integration Server to see if the upgrade completes successfully. 2) Delete the cloudstreamsUpgrade.xml file from the installation path: ${IS_HOME}/packages/WmCloudStreams/ directory. This is the file that causes CloudStreams to perform its upgrade step. If this action is taken, the CloudStreams configuration will have to be re-entered manually through the Integration Server Administrator's UI. 3) Contact Support. Whenever the Integration Server is restarted, CloudStreams will attempt to perform an upgrade as long as its cloudstreamsUpgrade.xml file is present in the package directory.

0010.0706 CloudStreams Upgrade, unable to read required file. {0}
Class E

This log message may occur when the CloudStreams package loads during the Integration Server restart after an overinstall. This message implies that the OS user running the Integration Server does not have adequate permissions to read the file referenced in the error message.


Review user and file permissions and make necessary adjustments to ensure the file can be read.

0010.0707 During CloudStreams upgrade, a configuration file is missing a required entry element key attribute. {0}, File path: {1}
Class E

This log message may occur when the CloudStreams package loads during the Integration Server restart after an overinstall. The cloudstreamsUpgrade.xml file used to control a CloudStreams overinstall upgrade is corrupted. It is missing a reference to an attribute containing a path to an archive of the previous CloudStreams version, prior to the overinstall.


Contact Support.

0010.0708 During CloudStreams upgrade, a configuration file entry element key attribute is not as expected: {0}, expected this value: {1}, but found: {2}, File path: {3}
Class E

This log message may occur when the CloudStreams package loads during the Integration Server restart after an overinstall. The cloudstreamsUpgrade.xml file used to control a CloudStreams overinstall upgrade is corrupted.


Contact Support.

0010.0709 CloudStreams Upgrade, unable to find the required file. Expected location: {0}
Class E

This log message may occur when the CloudStreams package loads during the Integration Server restart after an overinstall. The backup file archive containing the CloudStreams package prior to the overinstall upgrade cannot be found.


Contact support.

0010.0711 CloudStreams Upgrade, unable to delete configuration file. CloudStreams upgrade task will continue to execute after each Integration Server startup until this file is removed. Path: {0}
Class E

This log message may occur when the CloudStreams package loads during the Integration Server restart after an overinstall. Verify that the OS user account running the Integration Server has the necessary permissions to delete the file.


If the log messages suggest the upgrade ran successfully, this file can be deleted; otherwise, contact support.

0010.0712 During CloudStreams upgrade, a configuration file is not a valid xml. Unable to parse it. {0}, Details: {1}
Class E

This log message may occur when the CloudStreams package loads during the Integration Server restart after an overinstall. The cloudstreamsUpgrade.xml file is corrupted.


Contact Support.

0010.0717 CloudStreams Upgrade, Could not find Default STS configuration file: {0} in archived zip file
Class W

The default STS configuration file was not found when performing an overinstall upgrade.


This is an internal error. Contact webMethods Customer Care. Please produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the CloudStreams package's list of services in IS Admin's package management menu if available.

0010.0718 During CloudStreams upgrade, a configuration file has an unexpected element key attribute, {0}, with value. {1}. The configuration file path is: {2}
Class E

This log message may occur when the CloudStreams package loads during the Integration Server restart after an overinstall. The cloudstreamsUpgrade.xml file is corrupted.


Contact Support.

0010.0719 CloudStreams Upgrade, Could not find Default STS configuration file: {0} following upgrade; Skipping migrating configuration data!
Class E

CloudStreams was unable to locate the default STS configuration file during an overinstall upgrade.


This is an internal error. Contact webMethods Customer Care. Please produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in IS Admin's package management menu if available.

0010.0720 CloudStreams Upgrade, Could not load Default STS client configuration; Skipping migrating configuration data
Class W

The default STS configuration file was not found when performing an overinstall upgrade.


This is an internal error. Contact Customer Care. Please produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in IS Admin's package management menu if available.

0050.0279 Callback not removed for message id, ''{0}''. Receiver: {1}, Properties: {2}
Class D

When a service is invoked, the state for the invocation is stored in a callbackStore map until the response is returned. The callback object was not found in the map for the given message id.


No action is necessary unless memory runs low. In that event, please contact support.

0050.0280 Message receiver not found for message id: ''{0}'', Properties: {1}
Class D

Synapse callback receiver used to process the provider response is not found.


Please contact support.

0050.0281 Outbound message id not found. ''{0}'', Properties: {1}
Class D

The message id used to correlate a native provider request was not found.


Please contact support.

0050.0408 Authentication failed for user {0}
Class E

Invalid basic authentication credentials were included in the Authorization header sent to a virtual service that has a "Require HTTP Basic Authentication" runtime security policy.


The web service consumer should include proper credentials and resend the service request.

0050.0608 Error occurred when adding Timestamp to SOAP Envelope: {0}
Class E

CloudStreams was unable to insert a WS security timestamp element to the request's security header sent to the native provider.


Review the configured ESB "AddTimestamp" service call for virtual service and redeploy if incorrect, else this is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0070.0010 Incoming SOAP request does not contain the 'Authorization' header. This service requires the HTTP Basic Authentication token to be present!
Class E

No Authorization header was sent to a virtual service that has a "Require HTTP Basic Authentication" runtime security policy.


The web service consumer should include proper credentials and resend the service request.

0070.0032 Unable to create Schema for this service ''{0}''. Schema validation may not succeed.
Class E

CloudStreams was unable to initialize the schema parser for a virtual service with a "Validate Schema" runtime policy. This error occurs when a consumer sends CloudStreams a service request.


Review the schemas defined in the virtual service, make corrections, and then redeploy the virtual service if necessary; otherwise, this is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0070.0071 The ESB service name specified for InvokeESB cloudstreams cannot be empty.
Class W

A virtual service was deployed containing an ESB service invocation step containing an invalid or missing service name.


Review all service invocations from the "Processing steps" configuration for the virtual service, and redeploy if necessary.

0070.0072 The 'service' attribute is required for the InvokeESB cloudstreams definition.
Class E

The deployed virtual service configuration is corrupted.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0070.0073 Did not invoke ESB service, because the service name was either empty or invalid (must be of the form folder1.folder2:service)
Class W

A virtual service was deployed containing an ESB service invocation step with an invalid or missing service name.


This warning is logged when a virtual service request is executed. See the action defined for CLS.0070.0071.

0070.0074 Unknown mediator : {0}
Class E

Synapse mediators are used in the "In Sequence", "Out Sequence", and "Error Sequence" steps defined for virtual services. These Mediators are predefined and registered in CloudStreams.


Contact Support.

0101.0099 Unable to remove session context for connector service with this session token. ''{0}''
Class D

The CloudStreams transport listener should remove the session context for a connector service when it is no longer needed.


Please contact support if available IS heap memory runs low.

0102.0056 Package name and service name must be specified for deploying service(s).
Class E

Verify whether the service has an associated package and then redeploy; otherwise, contact Support.

0102.0057 Unable to deploy. A virtual service with the name ''{0}'' already exists in the package ''{1}''.
Class E

Confirm whether the package association is correct and consider undeploying previous virtual services before deployment. Otherwise, contact Support.

0200.0045 Error saving EhCache configuration file: {0}
Class E

CloudStreams was unable to save its configuration file used for the Terracotta cache component.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0200.0046 Could not find the specified EhCache configuration file: {0}
Class E

The Terracotta cache configuration file for CloudStreams caches could not be found during package startup.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0201.0003 PgMen incoming handler found no sie event for {0}, mep: {1}
Class E

A service invoke event (sie) contains basic attributes of a service invocation. The sie should have been created by another Axis2 handler, but it was not or is no longer accessible from this handler.


The service request will be permitted to execute, but the invocation may not be accurately tracked by the policy engine.

0201.0004 Exception in Outgoing fault handler while creating sie. serviceName: {0} cause: {1}
Class E

An error occurred while trying to create a service invoke event (sie) in a policy engine's Axis2 fault handler.


The original service fault will be returned to the caller, but the service invocation may not be accurately tracked by the policy engine.

0201.0005 Unable to create an sie event in outgoing fault handler. serviceName: {0}
Class E

A service invoke event (sie) contains basic attributes of a service invocation. The sie should have been created by this or another Axis2 handler, but it was not or is no longer accessible.


The original service fault will be returned to the caller, but the service invocation may not be accurately tracked by the policy engine.

0201.0006 PgMen incomingHandler found an event with unexpected state {0}
Class E

The policy engine relies on Axis2 handlers executing during specific phases in order to capture all the attributes of a service invocation. These attributes are stored in a service invoke event (sie) for each inbound or outbound phase.


The sie data for this specific service invocation may be corrupted. The data contained in dependent policy engine events may be affected. Contact support.

0201.0007 Exception in incomingHandler. msgId: {0} details {1}
Class E

An error occurred while executing a policy engine Axis2 handler.


A service fault will be returned to the caller, but the service invocation may not be accurately tracked by the policy engine.

0201.0008 PgMen incoming handler had no service name in message context for this msgId {0}
Class E

The inbound policy engine Axis2 handler did not find an Axis2 service registered in the message context; however, the service request will be permitted to execute and the response will be returned to the caller.


Since the virtual service was not identified for this service request, the invocation will not be tracked by the policy engine.

0201.0011 PgMen incoming handler could not find service operation in axis2 message context. Service name: {0}
Class E

The inbound policy engine Axis2 handler did not find an Axis operation registered in the message context; however, the service request will be permitted to execute and the response will be returned to the caller.


Since the virtual service operation was not identified for this service request, the invocation will not be tracked by the policy engine.

0201.0013 PgMen outgoing handler found an event with unexpected state {0}, sie Dump: {1}
Class E

The policy engine relies on Axis2 handlers executing during specific phases in order to capture all the attributes of a service invocation. These attributes are stored in a service invoke event (sie) for each inbound or outbound phase.


The sie data for this specific service invocation may be corrupted. The data contained in dependent policy engine events may be affected. Contact support.

0201.0015 Policy {0} forbids invocation of service {1} for scope {2}
Class E

This service invocation was rejected because a policy rule was breached in the policy engine.


No action is necessary.

0201.0016 PgMen outgoing handler expected service {0} and invokeId: {1}, but cached event had {2} and {3}
Class E

The invocation id for this execution thread's handler does not match the id that is stored on the current service invocation event (sie).


This error suggests that data corruption may have occurred. Please contact support.

0201.0017 PgMen outgoing handler had no service name in message context for this msgId {0}
Class E

The inbound policy engine Axis2 handler did not find an Axis2 service registered in the message context; however, the service request will be permitted to execute and the response will be returned to the caller.


Since the virtual service was not identified for this service request, the invocation will not be tracked by the policy engine.

0201.0018 Axis service object not found in message context.
Class E

The inbound policy engine Axis2 handler did not find an Axis2 service registered in the message context; however, the service request will be permitted to execute and the response will be returned to the caller.


Since the virtual service was not identified for this service request, the invocation will not be tracked by the policy engine.

0201.0023 No native service provider endpoint for {0}.
Class W

The policy engine's Axis2 outbound handlers found no endpoint reference in message context.


No further action is necessary if an endpoint was located at a later point during execution and the service was invoked.

0201.0024 Exception caught while constructing the reason expression: {0}
Class E

An error occurred while processing a virtual service's error sequence step.


No further action is necessary. The soap fault will be returned without the fault's reason content.

0201.0034 BaseHandler - No PolicyViolationDetector found, skipping analysis
Class W

The spring component for detecting policy violations is missing.


Verify the WmCloudStreams package loaded successfully; otherwise please contact support to verify the CloudStreams spring configuration is not corrupted.

0201.0040 PgMen incoming event handler encountered an error executing PgMen outgoing FAULT handler. Cause: {0}
Class E

An error occurred while processing one of the Axis2 fault handlers used by the policy engine during a service invocation.


A service fault will be returned to the caller, but the service invocation may not be accurately tracked by the policy engine.

0201.0041 PgMen outgoing handler could not find service operation in axis2 message context. Service name: {0}
Class E

The outbound policy engine Axis2 handler did not find an Axis operation registered in the message context; however, the service request will be permitted to execute and the response will be returned to the caller.


Since the virtual service operation was not identified for this service request, the invocation will not be tracked by the policy engine.

0201.0042 PgMen outgoing FAULT handler could not find service operation in axis2 message context. Service name: {0}
Class E

The outbound policy engine Axis2 fault handler did not find an Axis operation registered in the message context; however, the service request will be permitted to execute and the response will be returned to the caller.


Since the virtual service operation was not identified for this service request, the invocation may not be accurately tracked by the policy engine.

0201.0043 PgMen outgoing handler encountered error publishing an event. Missing sie event.
Class E

A service invoke event (i.e. sie) contains basic attributes of a service invocation. The sie should have been created by another Axis2 handler, but it was not or is no longer accessible from this handler.


The service request will be permitted to execute, but the invocation may not be accurately tracked by the policy engine.

0201.0044 PgMen outgoing handler encountered error publishing an event. sie event is missing service name.
Class E

A service invoke event (i.e. sie) contains basic attributes of a service invocation. The sie should have been created by another Axis2 handler, but it was not or is no longer accessible from this handler.


The service request will be permitted to execute, but the invocation may not be accurately tracked by the policy engine.

0201.0046 No UUID generator bean (bean id={0}) configured, using java.util.UUID
Class E

The spring configuration is missing an expected component for UUID generation.


CloudStreams is falling back to an alternate UUID factory; however, this error suggests the configuration may be corrupted. Verify the WmCloudStreams package loaded successfully; otherwise, please contact support to verify.

0202.0003 Cannot create a PolicyEnforcer using a null/empty service name {0}
Class E

A virtual service must be associated to a policy before it may be applied at runtime.


Verify the policy configuration filter is correct, the policy is active, and redeploy the affected virtual services.

0202.0004 Cannot create a PolicyEnforcer using a null PolicyInfo reference
Class E

The policy enforcer is a runtime object that requires a policy info configuration element.


This should not happen under normal circumstances. Please contact support.

0203.0062, thread id({0}), expected Ehcache, found ({1})
Class E

Unexpected content was returned in the Terracotta cluster status cache.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0203.0065, thread id({0}), caught ({1}/{2}) attempting to get a lock, thread dies.
Class E

CloudStreams encountered an error trying to obtain a lock on the controlling node in a Terracotta cluster.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0203.0070 ClusterStatusCache - cache manager for {0} returned null CacheCluster reference. Not clustered.
Class I

CloudStreams was unable to obtain a reference to the configured Terracotta cluster.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0203.0071 {0} - getCluster(ClusterScheme.TERRACOTTA) threw exception {1}, using schema NONE
Class I

An attempt to get Terracotta cluster configuration details failed.


If CloudStreams is configured for a Terracotta cluster, this is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0203.0072 ClusterStatusCache - thread id({0}) attempts to release {1} lock, but does not hold it.
Class E

An attempt to release the lock on the node controller in a Terracotta cluster failed.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0203.0073 Error initializing JAXB Context: {0}
Class E

Initialization for the cached global or registered consumers deployed to CloudStreams has failed.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0203.0075, thread id({0}), caught {1} attempting to ask about lock status, thread dies.
Class E

The thread defining the controlling node in a CloudStreams cluster encountered an error.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0203.0076 Unable to get the cache named {0} from the cache manager {1}
Class E

CloudStreams encountered an error while accessing one of the Terracotta caches.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0203.0081 {0}, thread id({1}), caught {2}/{3} attempting to release lock. Thread dies.
Class E

CloudStreams encountered an error while releasing the lock on the controlling node in the Terracotta cluster.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0203.0082 EhcacheClusterStatusCache, thread id({0}), caught {1}/{2} attempting to update the controlling lock in the cache.
Class E

CloudStreams encountered an error while updating the controlling node in a Terracotta cluster.


This is an internal error. Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0203.0100 Thread interrupted when trying to obtain {0} lock for the cache {1}
Class W

While CloudStreams was attempting to obtain a lock on a cache entry key, its thread was interrupted.


No action is necessary if CloudStreams is functioning normally.

0203.0101 Unable to {0} lock the {1} cache for key {2} after waiting {3} ms
Class E

CloudStreams failed to lock a cache key in the expected time period.


No action is necessary if CloudStreams is functioning normally

0203.0103 {0} task in thread {1} threw this: {2}
Class E

During CloudStreams shutdown, an error occurred in the controlling node of a Terracotta cluster.


Contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0204.0008 Unable to access spring bean config bean : {0}. Is there a problem with CloudStreams spring config file?
Class E

The interval manager thread pool is missing from its spring configuration file.


Contact support.

0204.0013 No value defined in {0} cache for this key: {1}
Class W

The policy engine's interval manager component creates and updates a global interval counter that is used for both clustered and non-clustered installations.


It is normal for this warning to appear once or twice when the WmCloudStreams package is reloaded or during Integration Server startup. If this warning message continues to occur, verify the WmCloudStreams package loaded successfully; otherwise, please contact support.

0205.0062 UddiPerformanceMetricsSender - unable to publish metrics over UDDI for service: {0}, message: {1}
Class E

This log message is produced when CloudStreams is unable to publish performance metrics results to CloudStreams. When reviewing the content, note that some exception details may have originated from the CentraSite product hosting the UDDI server. Errors can range from improper CloudStreams configuration, OS resource issues, network connectivity, or issues with the CentraSite installation.


Depending on the errors logged in the CloudStreams UI, one of the following actions may prove more relevant: (1) Verify whether the CentraSite configuration information regarding UDDI is correct for the CloudStreams UI. (2) Verify whether the hostname or IP address is reachable from the computer running the CloudStreams instance. (3) Verify whether the CentraSite instance and its repository is up and accessible.

0205.0063 Unable to initialize UddiClientAdapter due to a missing password for username: {0}.
Class E

This log message is produced when CloudStreams is unable to publish performance metrics results to CloudStreams. A password was not found in the encrypted store for the user, configured in the CentraSite panel of the CloudStreams UI.


Verify whether the password is entered and the configuration was successfully saved for the CentraSite configuration screen in the CloudStreams UI.

0205.0064 Error connecting to the CentraSite UDDI registry running on {0}://{1}:{2}. Error: {3}
Class E

This log message may be produced under the following situations: (1) During CloudStreams package startup. (2) CentraSite configuration entered in the CloudStreams UI is saved, but a connection to the UDDI server fails for these settings. (3) CloudStreams attempts to publish performance metrics but fails during its regular scheduled interval.


Verify whether CentraSite configuration values in the CloudStreams UI are correct and CentraSite is up and running.

0205.0067 Error disconnecting to CentraSite UDDI registry running on {0}://{1}:{2}. Error: {3}
Class E

This log message may be seen during the following situations: (1) During CloudStreams package shutdown. (2) While CloudStreams is initializing communications with the CentraSite UDDI server after encountering an error during runtime or saving configuration values in the CloudStreams UI.


Refer the "Action" text for 0205.0064.

0205.0602 Missing ''{0}'' JDBC destination pool from spring configuration.
Class E

A CloudStreams configuration file may be corrupted and a necessary configuration element may be missing.


Contact Support.

0205.0603 Jdbc destination sender expected a JdbcEvent object but received: ''{0}''
Class E

The JDBC destination sender event component received an unexpected event type.


Contact Support.

0205.0604 JDBC destination sender encountered an SQL Exception while generating ''{0}'' events. Error Code: {1} Cause: {2}
Class E

The CloudStreams JDBC destination sender component encountered an SQL exception while sending a runtime event.


Verify whether the CloudStreams functional alias in the Integration Server Administrator is configured for a JDBC pool. Verfiy whether the database is operational and then restart the functional alias pool. Verify whether the CloudStreamsEvents database component tables installed using the Common Database Component are still defined, and the JDBC pool credentials and URL defined in the Integration Server are correct. If it still fails, contact Support.

0205.0605 JDBC destination sender took {0} ms to get a connection out of the data source.
Class D

If the '0205 MEN - Events' CloudStreams logging component is set to 'DEBUG', CloudStreams issues a log message if the time it takes to get a JDBC connection exceeds a predefined threshold as defined in the CloudStreams pg-jdbc.xml file. The current default is 50 milliseconds.


No action is necessary.

0205.0606 JDBC destination sender took {0} ms to get a prepared statement out of connection with this SQL: {1}.
Class D

If the '0205 MEN - Events' CloudStreams logging component is set to 'DEBUG', then CloudStreams issues a log message if the time it takes to get a JDBC prepared statement exceeds a predefined threshold as defined in the CloudStreams pg-jdbc.xml file. The current default is 50 milliseconds.


No action is necessary.

0205.0609 JDBC destination sender took {0} ms to close the prepared statement and connection.
Class D

If the '0205 MEN - Events' CloudStreams logging component is set to 'DEBUG', then CloudStreams issues a log message if the time it takes to close a JDBC connection exceeds a predefined threshold as defined in the CloudStreams pg-jdbc.xml file. The current default is 50 milliseconds.


No action is necessary.

0205.0610 JDBC event requires at least one SQL clause to be valid.
Class E

The CloudStreams JDBC component is in an invalid state.


Contact Support.

0205.0611 JDBC destination sender took {0} ms to insert a batch of {1} ''{2}'' events. AutoCommit enabled on driver? {3}, Transaction Isolation level? {4}
Class D

If the '0205 MEN - Events' CloudStreams logging component is set to 'DEBUG', then CloudStreams issues a log message if the time it takes to execute a batch of runtime event inserts into the database, exceeds a predefined threshold as defined in the CloudStreams pg-jdbc.xml file. The current default is 500 milliseconds.


No action is necessary unless the time is extremely large. In that case, consider reducing the 'pg.jdbc.batchSize' property in the CloudStreams file. This will cause the JDBC destination sender to send updates to the database server in smaller batches.

0205.0612 JDBC destination sender cannot use a read-only connection object to insert events.
Class E

The functional alias used by the CloudStreams JDBC destination sender is configured for a read-only transaction model in the Integration Server Administrator.


Change the configured transaction model so that it supports updates to the database.

0205.0614 The JDBC event SQL range should be between 0 and {0}, {1} is out of range.
Class E

The CloudStreams JDBC component is in an invalid state.


Contact Support.

0205.0615 The JDBC performance metrics processor expected only one return key, but ''{0}'' were found.
Class E

The CloudStreams JDBC component is in an invalid state.


Contact Support.

0205.0616 The JDBC performance metrics processor expected two SQL statements, but ''{0}'' were found.
Class E

The CloudStreams JDBC component is in an invalid state.


Contact Support.

0205.0617 The JDBC performance metrics processor is missing the returned primary key upon SQL insert.
Class E

The database did not return the 'event_pk' primary key column for the event inserted into the cloudstreams_metrics_event table.


Verify whether the database is functioning properly; otherwise, contact Support.

0205.0618 Jdbc event is in a bad state. Data type count ''{0}'' does not equal column value count ''{1}''
Class E

The Jdbc event destination component is in an invalid state.


Contact Support.

0205.0619 Jdbc driver doesn't support returned named SQL columns from Insert statement. Trying ''Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS'' mode.
Class W

The Jdbc event destination component will attempt to use named columns for returning the database-generated primary key after inserting a row. If the database driver does not support this feature, this log message is raised, and the component will use another method to return the inserted primary key.


No action required unless other SQLException errors are raised.

0206.0035 MAC cache update {0} operation took {1} ms to complete for {2} SIEs. This could cause lock attempts for tallying metrics statistics in MAC cache to fail.
Class W

An update to the policy engine metrics data took longer than expected. When the duration of this task is longer than the configured lock request timeout, tasks can be lost when they fail to obtain exclusive locks.


Review the Integration Server performance, increase the advanced property for lock timeout pg.PgMenSharedCacheManager.lockTimeOut, and the restart Integration Server. Otherwise, if this happens very frequently, contact Support. Produce a diagnostic zip file by running the cloudstreams.util:diagnosticZip service from the WmCloudStreams package's list of services in the Integration Server Administrator's package management menu, if available.

0207.0002 DCPool spring configuration {0} missing a workQueue property? No workQueue was instantiated.
Class E

The referenced policy engine thread pool is missing its in-memory work queue configuration.


Possibly the *-pgmen.xml spring configuration file is corrupted. Contact support.

0207.0003 Work queue capacity must be greater than 0. Value {0} is invalid.
Class E

One of the advanced configuration properties in the * file has an invalid queue size.


These values are not exposed in the admin UI. Review the values in the or file and verify the policy engine work queue sizes are greater than 0.

0207.0009 {0} thread pool shutdown - caught {1} while awaiting pool termination.
Class W

A policy engine pool's thread was interrupted while waiting for graceful shutdown to complete.


No action is needed.

0300.0001 ''{0}'' is an unknown connection factory alias
Class E

The classname specified in wst-core.xml spring bean configuration for the implementation map of the 'clientConnectionFactoryManager' bean is not in the classpath.


Contact support.

0300.0002 Class ''{0}'' for alias ''{1}'' does not implement the IConnectionManager interface.
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0003 ''{0}'' is an unknown connection pool alias.
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0004 Unknown configuration group alias, ''{0}''
Class E

A CloudStreams connector descriptor has a configurable group in its connection configuration that is not valid for the connection manager.


Contact support.

0300.0007 Error creating connection alias ''{0}''.
Class E

A CloudStreams connection manager had an error during its initialization phase.


Contact support.

0300.0010 Unknown field key ''{0}'' from connection factory alias ''{1}''
Class E

All managed connection configuration fields must have a unique key name including custom configuration fields. 'cn.providerURL' is an example.


Review CloudStreams connector configuration to locate source of the unknown field name.

0300.0011 Attempt to unregister an unregistered connection configuration instance, ''{0}''
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0012 Attempt to reference an unregistered connection configuration instance, ''{0}''
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0013 Duplicate field ''{0}'' exists in configurable group ''{1}'' of connection factory
Class T

Each managed connection configuration field may only exist once for the select configurable groups.


In normal cases, some common fields are shared across groups intended to be mutually exclusive (e.g. Amazon Web Service groups) when used with service configurations.

0300.0014 Duplicate custom field ''{0}'' exists in configurable group ''{1}'' of connection factory
Class E

Each managed connection configuration custom field must have a unique key name associated with it.


Review all custom configuration fields created in CloudStreams and verify each name is unique.

0300.0116 ''{0}'' header has invalid data: ''{1}''. Reason: {2}
Class D

Review the service configuration.

0300.0017 Error {0}, while releasing resources for connection configuration ''{0}''
Class W

An error was encountered while releasing a managed connection pool instance during connection manager shutdown.


No action is necessary.

0300.0019 Invalid HTTP method selected, ''{0}''
Class E

An invalid HTTP method was referenced.


Locate the source of the invalid method and change it to a valid HTTP method.

0300.0020 Unknown service method implementation: {0}
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0021 Missing connection configuration alias is required.
Class E

CloudStreams connector services must have a configured managed connection alias.


Configure or recreate the connector service so it has a managed connection pool alias.

0300.0022 Connection configuration alias ''{0}'' requires at least one configurable group.
Class E

Review CloudStreams connectors and locate the connector that does not have at least one configurable group for all of its connections.

0300.0025 Unknown service request implementation: {0}
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0026 Error getting property value for ''{0}'' from class {1}, Error: {2}
Class E

CloudStreams was unable to access the value for one of its managed connection's configurable fields.


Inspect the configuration value and verify it is valid for the specified field.

0300.0027 Error setting property value ''{0}'' for ''{1}'' from class {2}, Error: {3}
Class E

CloudStreams was unable to access the value for one of its managed connection's configurable fields.


Inspect the configuration value and verify it is valid for the specified field.

0300.0028 Error introspecting class {0}, Error: {1}
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0029 Custom config field ''{0}'' expected group alias ''{1}'' instead of ''{2}''
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0030 Custom config field is missing required key property.
Class E

All managed connection custom configuration fields must have a unique key name.


Review CloudStreams connector configuration to locate source of the missing field key.

0300.0031 Illegal attempt to binding or register a connection configuration ''{0}''. It is already registered.
Class E

When a connection configuration (e.g. a managed connection pool) is enabled, its alias name must be unique.


Change the connection configuration alias name so it will be unique.

0300.0032 Attempt to create a connection configuration instance ''{0}'' with missing required groups. Required groups: {1}
Class E

Review the affected CloudStreams connection configuration and ensure that it includes the required configurable group.

0300.0033 Error unloading connection manager alias ''{0}'' from factory. Details: {1}
Class W

An error was encountered while releasing a managed connection pool instance during connection manager shutdown.


No action is necessary.

0300.0034 Connection factory manager overwrote key ''{0}'' for implementation. Old value: {1}, New value: {2}
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0035 Missing connection configuration instance for the alias ''{0}''
Class E

An error occurred while attempting to obtain a socket connection for an unknown connection configuration instance.


Confirm a connection configuration exists and is enabled with this alias name.

0300.0036 The config value ''{0}'' for field ''{1}'' is not supported.
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0038 Configuration value missing for required field ''{0}'' in connection configuration ''{1}''
Class E

Provide a value for the connection configuration's required field and then enable it again.

0300.0039 Configuration value for field ''{0}'' is not serializable. Value: {1}
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0040 Error creating native service provider endpoint, {0} with service context, {1} Error: {2}
Class E

The native provider endpoint could not be defined as a valid URI.


Review the configured value and ensure it is properly formatted as a URI.

0300.0041 An IO or timeout exception is encountered for invoke ''{0}'' method for connection alias ''{1}''. Check the network connectivity/proxy setting. Details: {2}
Class E

A service invocation error occurred due to a network IO exception on the socket.


Verify whether the connection configuration is correct, the endpoint is valid, the service is running, the connect and read timeouts are not too short, including the network connectivity and proxy settings.

0300.0042 Unexpected exception encountered for invoke ''{0}'' method for connection alias ''{1}''. Details: {2}
Class E

An unexpected service invocation error occurred that is not caused by an IO socket exception.


Verify connection configuration is correct.

0300.0044 Error while activating Authentication scheme, ''{0}'' for connection alias, ''{1}''. Details: {2}
Class E

An error occurred activating an authentication scheme (e.g. OAuth, Basic Auth, etc.).


Review configuration details if the authentication scheme has its own configuration; otherwise, please contact support.

0300.0045 HTTP version ''{0}'' is not supported. Must be HTTP/0.9, HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1
Class E

Ensure that the connection configuration specifes the correct HTTP version.

0300.0046 Error in request headers configuration for ''{0}'' alias. Names: {1}, Values: {2}, Details: {3}
Class E

Error validating request headers encountered while enabling a connection configuration.


Verify the comma-delimited list of request headers and values are valid.

0300.0047 Error in request headers configuration for ''{0}'' alias. Names: {1}, Values: {2}, Names and values are required.
Class E

Verify whether the comma-delimited list of header names and values have non-whitespace characters for each entry.

0300.0051 Error invoking connection from connection configuration instance ''{0}''. It is configured for an unknown web proxy alias ''{1}''
Class E

A connection configuration has a configuration field for an unknown IS proxy server.


Confirm the proxy alias entered for the connection configuration exists in the Integration Server 'Proxy Server' configuration.

0300.0052 Unable to register scheme for web proxy alias, ''{0}'', in connection configuration: ''{1}''
Class W

A connection configuration's web proxy alias could not be initialized when it was enabled, so the configuration is enabled with no proxy server support.


Verify the Integration Server proxy server configuration identified by the alias is valid.

0300.0054 Cannot create OAuthCredentials for OAuth version {0}
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0055 Cannot create SchemeFactory for OAuth version {0}
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0056 OAuthAliasHelperFactory cannot work with null token alias name
Class E

A connection configuration instance requires a valid OAuth alias.


Verify the oauth token configuration in the CloudStreams admin has a proper alias.

0300.0057 OAuthAliasHelperFactory cannot find token alias name {0}
Class E

A connection configuration instance references an unknown OAuth token alias.


Verify the connection configuration references the correct alias as defined in the oauth token configuration in the CloudStreams admin.

0300.0058 OAuthAliasHelperFactory cannot work with null OauthAccessDetailsManager bean. Not configured.
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0059 CloudStreams outbound connector ''{0}'' encountered an IO exception while reading the native provider response. Consider setting the advanced connection configuration, increasing timeout values for 'Connection TimeOut' and 'Socket Read Timeout' properties. Also, optionally change 'Retry on Response Failure' to true while 'Connection Retry Count ' is greater than 0 if it is safe to send requests more than once.
Class I

The default timeout value for 'Connection TimeOut' and 'Socket Read Timeout' property may not be enough.The default settings for the default connector outbound connection factory will not attempt to resend a request if it believes it was received by the provider. If there is no harm to send a request more than once to a provider, enable the 'Retry on Response Failure' advanced property (cn.retryIfRequestSentOk).


In case the network is slow or the backend processing takes longer than usual, increase the 'Connection Timeout' and the 'Socket Read Timeout' values. Also, optionally change 'Retry on Response Failure' to true while 'Connection Retry Count ' is greater than 0 if it is safe to send requests more than once.

0300.0061 Error instantiating object for hostname verifier: ''{0}'', Details: {1}
Class E

This configuration field must be set to a fully qualified classname that implements the Apache HttpClient interface: org.apache.http.conn.ssl.X509HostnameVerifier. This field is used to perform validation checks between a native provider host and its server SSL certificate.


Specify ''org.apache.http.conn.ssl.AllowAllHostnameVerifier'' to accept all hosts or ''org.apache.http.conn.ssl.StrictHostnameVerifier'' for strict enforcement. Leaving this field blank implies using the ''AllowAllHostnameVerifier'' option.

0300.0062 Hostname verifier class, ''{0}'', must implement org.apache.http.conn.ssl.X509HostnameVerifier interface.
Class E

Specify a valid fully qualified classname in the CloudStream package's java classpath that implements the interface or leave the field blank to disable hostname verification. See CLS.0300.0061 for more details.

0300.0063 Error initializing registered provider's SSL context for the ''{0}'' algorithm. Details: {1}
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0064 Error reading a key store for this file: {0}, Details: {1}
Class E

Verify whether the file path exists, the file is a valid keystore file, and Integration Server has privileges to read the file.

0300.0065 Error reading a trust store for this file: {0}, Details: {1}
Class E

Verify whether the file path exists, is a valid trust store file, and the Integration Server has OS privileges to read the file; otherwise, contact Support.

0300.0066 Error initializing entrust security provider's socket factory ''{0}'' algorithm. Details: {1}
Class E

Unless this is a correctable error with one of the keystore files, contact Support.

0300.0069 Unable to verify hostname. unknown SSL socket type: {0}
Class E

Unable to perform hostname verification on a native provide endpoint.


Contact support.

0300.0070 Unknown HCAdapter event type: {0}
Class E

An enabled connection configuration instance has received a notification event from an unknown origin. (These events are used to keep configuration instances in synch with related Integration Server configuration changes when possible.)


Contact support.

0300.0072 Error creating socket factory, ''{0}''. Details: {1}
Class E

Unable to create the SSL socket factory for use with a connection configuration.


Review the configuration and make corrections if possible; otherwise, please contact support.

0300.0073 Error during onCleanup for socket factory for ''{0}''. Details: {1)
Class D

Nonfatal error encountered while release resources associated with a connection configuration's SSL socket factory.


No action should be necessary for this debug message.

0300.0075 Unable to initialize the key store for file: {0}, Details: {1}
Class E

Ensure that the file path exists, is a valid keystore file, and the Integration Server has OS privileges to read the file; otherwise, contact Support.

0300.0076 Unable to create key store object from this file. {0}, exists? {1}, readable? {2}
Class E

Ensure that the file path exists, is a valid keystore file, and the Integration Server has OS privileges to read the file; otherwise, contact Support.

0300.0077 Unable to access client's private key and certificate for this key alias: {0}, in this keystore file: {1}, Details: {2}
Class E

Ensure that the configuration alias used to access the client key is correct for the specified keystore; otherwise, contact Support.

0300.0081 Unable to register or unregister connfactory event subscriber instance, {0}. Event type: {1} Details: {2}
Class E

An error occurred while the connection factory registered its event listener used to receive notfications for some Integration Server configuration changes.


Contact support.

0300.0082 Error during onInit for socket factory, ''{0}''. Details: {1}
Class E

Error during SSL socket factory initialization.


Contact support.

0300.0083 Error initializing security provider''s socket factory. Key store alias: {0}, trust store alias: {1}, details: {2}
Class E

Error during SSL socket factory initialization.


Contact support.

0300.0093 Error initializing connfactory cert chain verifier for trust store file: {0}, Details: {1}
Class E

Error occurred while building the list of certificates that the connection configuration will trust.


Contact support.

0300.0096 Error while attempting to verify trust for this cert: {0}, Cert will not be trusted. Details: {1}
Class E

No action is necessary unless this certificate is trusted; otherwise, contact Support.

0300.0099 Credentials configurable group failed to bind configuration field ''{0}'', with an illegal value ''{1}''.
Class E

The ''cr.authSchemeType'' configuration field is limited to a closed set of possible values.


It should not be possible to specify an unknown value through the CloudStreams connection admin UI, so please contact support.

0300.0100 Protocol configurable group failed to bind configuration field ''{0}'', with an illegal value ''{1}''.
Class E

The ''pr.protocolVersion'' configuration field is limited to a closed set of possible values.


It should not be possible to specify an unknown value through the CloudStreams connection admin UI, so please contact support.

0300.0105 Error creating buffered entity for request message. Details: {0}
Class E

If problem persists, contact Support.

0300.0106 Connection configuration instance ''{0}'' contains a custom key ''{1}'' with no prefix. Suggest ''cx.{1}''
Class E

All connection fields including custom fields must have a key name that may be used to identify the field. A dot-separated prefix must be prepended to the field name's key. 'cx.' is the suggested convention for custom fields.


Change the specified key forthe custom configuration field so it contains a valid prefix.

0300.0107 AWSActivator called with wrong token instance. {0}
Class E

The Amazon web service auth scheme requires auth tokens to produce the content necessary to invoke an AWS service.


Please contact support.

0300.0108 Missing auth token required field for Amazon Web Service authentication. {0}
Class E

The Amazon web services require auth tokens to build a proper service request that can be authenticated.


Review configuration and ensure all token fields are provided.

0300.0110 AWS v2 signature auth scheme requires application/x-www-form-urlencoded content.
Class E

Amazon web service signature version 2 cannot be used unless request message is using the required Content-Type.


Correct service configuration to use the appropriate content type for the request.

0300.0111 Unable to update native provider URI for AWS {0} signature auth scheme.
Class E

The Amazon signature auth scheme appends additional security tokens as query parameters on the native provider endpoint.


Please contact support.

0300.0112 Unexpected request type received in AWS {0} auth scheme. {1}
Class E

Contact Support.

0300.0114 Unsupported algorithm. {0} AWS {1} signature scheme must be one of these. {2}
Class E

The service must be configured to use one of the valid algorithms for signing the request.


Review connection configuration.

0300.0115 ''{0}'' header is missing from {1} AWS signature auth sceheme.
Class E

The AWS authentication scheme requires this header.


Verify the service configuration is correct.

0300.0117 Expected one value for AWS Param key: {0}, Found: {1}
Class D

This AWS auth scheme parameter was expected to have only one value.


Please contact support.

0300.0118 Provider endpoint: {0}, AWS Canonical Request: {1}
Class T

AWS signature calculations require requests to be in a specific format.


Use this message to debug AWS signature authentication failures.

0300.0119 Provider endpoint: {0}, AWS String to sign: {1}
Class T

AWS signature calculations create a specific string to sign when generating signatures for the request.


Use this message to debug AWS signature authentication failures.

0300.0120 Provider endpoint: {0}, AWS Canonical Request: {1}
Class T

AWS v2 signatures calculations require requests to be in a specific format.


Use this message to debug AWS signature authentication failures.

0300.0122 Added 'Host' header: {0}
Class T

Amazon v4 signature requests require a ''Host'' header be sent with request.


Use this message to debug AWS signature authentication failures.

0300.0123 Unknown AWS auth scheme type.
Class E

The AuthSchemeActivatorFactory received auth tokens for an unsupported signature scheme. type: {0}


Please contact support.

0300.0124 Unsupported AWS auth scheme type. {0}
Class E

An auth scheme must be declared for the service, so it can be properly authenticated by the AWS server.


Verify the connector configuration is correct.

0300.0125 Unexpected error binding configuration authTokens to AWS configuration. Details: {1}
Class E

Unable to enable a connection configuration with AWS configuration group because of an unexpected error.


Please contact support.

0301.0001 This IData request is missing NSRecord metadata. Namespace details may be impacted.
Class E

NSRecord metada (document types) are used to marshal between IData and Axiom (XML) data models.


Contact support.

0301.0002 IdataBuilder error translating IData message into an Axiom element. Details: {0}
Class E

An error occurred while translating a message from IData to the Axiom (XML) data model.


Verify the IData content is valid.

0301.0003 IDataBuilder missing required parameters. Either an input stream or an IData object is needed to process a message.
Class E

The component that translates IData to Axiom (XML) data model is missing a required value.


Review service that produced this error and verify a reference to either an input stream or IData content was provided.

0301.0005 IDataMessageFormatter error translating Axiom element to IData for service: {0} and operation: {1}. Details: {2}
Class E

An error occurred while translating a message from Axiom (XML) to the IData data model.


Review service that produced this error and verify the message content is valid.

0301.0006 IDataMessageFormatter error encoding IData message to stream for service: {0} and operation: {1}. Details: {2}
Class E

An error occurred while serializing a message.


Review service that produced this error and verify the message content is valid.

0301.0008 IDataMessageFormatter is unable to resolve provider targetAddress as a valid URL. {0}
Class E

Verify whether the target address endpoint is a valid URL.

0301.0009 CloudStreams message mappings for CloudStreams virtual service invocation ''{0}'' is invalid. Details: {1}
Class E

A CloudStreams service has one or more message mapping steps which are invalid.


Review the errors and correct the message mapping statements for this connector.

0301.0010 CloudStreams mapping step, Error applying map step to message. Service invocation aborted? {0}. Source: {1}, Target: {2}, Details: {3}
Class D

Debug message showing an exception that occurred while executing a mapping step.


If the mapping step is not required, then no additional action is necessary.

0301.0011 CloudStreams mapping step, Unknown map type ''{0}''.
Class E

There are various categories of mapping steps. (e.g. HEADER, COOKIE, XPATH, IDATA, etc.).


Review the connector configuration and fix the invalid mapping step.

0301.0012 CloudStreams mapping step, Illegal attempt to set a value on a LITERAL mapping step named, ''{0}''
Class E

A mapping step cannot have a 'LITERAL' target. In other words, a LITERAL cannot have a value assigned to it; it can only be used as a source value in mapping expressions.


Review the connector configuration and fix the invalid mapping step.

0301.0013 CloudStreams mapping step, mapping step is missing ''{0}'' map value.
Class E

The mapping step is not properly configured. It is missing required elements.


Review the connector configuration and fix the invalid mapping step.

0301.0014 CloudStreams mapping step, mapping step is missing ''context'' for map value. Must be IN or OUT.
Class E

A mapping step has a specific context depending on where it is used during service invocations. The 'IN' context implies the expression executes before the service invocation. The 'OUT' context implies the expression executes after the service invocation.


Review the connector configuration and fix the invalid mapping step.

0301.0016 CloudStreams mapping step, XPath map value expression contains namespace prefix, but no namespaces were provided with map. {0}
Class E

An XPATH mapping step must include a namespace prefix and URI declaration(s) if the XPath expression contains a colon-delimited prefix reference.


Review the connector configuration and fix the invalid mapping step.

0301.0017 CloudStreams mapping step, XPath map step unable to set value on node. ''{0}'' did not find any nodes in message.
Class E

An XPATH mapping step executed but the expression returned no matching nodes from the Axiom (XML) message.


Review the connector configuration and verify the expression is valid if matches were expected.

0301.0019 CloudStreams mapping step, Error executing XPath map step to set value for this XPath: ''{0}'' and this value: {1}, Details: {2}
Class E

An error occurred while executing an XPath expression meant to set a value on an Axiom (XML) message.


Review the connector configuration and fix the invalid mapping step if this error was unexpected.

0301.0020 CloudStreams mapping step, XPath map step unable to set value on node. ''{0}'' found {1} nodes in message.
Class E

An XPATH mapping step's XPath expression against an Axiom (XML) message did not resolve to a single node.


Review the connector configuration and fix the invalid mapping step if this error was unexpected.

0301.0021 CloudStreams mapping step, Error executing XPath map step to get value for this XPath: ''{0}'', Details: {1}
Class E

An error occurred while executing an XPath expression meant to get a value from a message.


Review the connector configuration and fix the invalid mapping step if this error was unexpected.

0301.0023 CloudStreams mapping step. Error executing validation for mappings. Details: {0}
Class E

Review the connector configuration and then fix the invalid mapping step(s).

0301.0025 CloudStreams mapping step, XPath ''{0}'' expression returned unsupported XML element type, ''{1}''. Expressions must resolve to a single element or attributes only.
Class E

CloudStreams XPATH mapping expressions may only reference text or attributes nodes in the XML message.


Review the connector configuration and fix the invalid mapping step.

0301.0031 No validator instance to validate CloudStreams message content using IS doc type validation.
Class E

CloudStreams was unable to create a validator for a message against its associated doc type(s).


Review the doctypes for the affected request or response message.

0301.0032 Error while validating CloudStreams message content using IS doc type validation. Details: {0}
Class E

An unexpected error occurred while validating a message against its associated doctype(s).


Review the doctypes for the affected request or response message.

0301.0033 Cloudstreams message is not valid based on expected doc type. Details: {0}
Class E

A CloudStreams request or response message did not have the expected structure as defined by its associated doctype(s).


Review the connector service configuration and state of the native provider to resolve the underlying error with the unexpected message structure.

0301.0034 The configured translator service ''{0}'' is missing ''static'' method declaration for its ''translate'' method.
Class E

A mapping statement may have an optional attribute that defines a fully qualified classname for a java class. This class must contain a public static method named 'translate'.


Verify the connector configuration's mapping statement is correct and the class has the expected 'translate' public static method and is in the CloudStreams class loader.

0301.0035 Error resolving configured translate service ''{0}'', Details: {1}
Class E

Verify whether the connector configuration's mapping statement is correct and the class is in the CloudStreams class loader. See CLS.0301.0034 for more details.

0301.0037 Unknown builder type ''{0}'' for message data handler.
Class E

No Axis2 message Builder implementation is registered for this builder type (key).


Contact support.

0301.0038 Unknown message formatter type ''{0}'' for message data handler.
Class E

No Axis2 MessageFormatter implementation is registered for this message type (key).


Contact support.

0301.0042 No response code and method mapping found for connector ''{0}'' and response code ''{1}'' and httpMethod ''{2}''
Class E

The invoked connector service has returned an unexpected response code for the httpMethod used to execute the request. So it is considered to be a fault condition regardless of the proivder response code.


A fault message will be returned to the pipeline. If the virtual service is configured to return the native provider fault, then this provider response will be included.

0301.0045 Unknown message handler phase. {0}
Class E

CloudStreams message handlers have predefined inbound and outbound phases for both request and response message processing.


Contact support.

0301.0046 Unknown message builder content type, ''{0}'' for ''{1}'' message phase
Class E

The message mapping in CloudStreams wst-transport.xml configuration file is incorrect.


Contact support.

0301.0047 Unknown message formatter content type, ''{0}'' for ''{1}'' message phase
Class E

The message mapping in CloudStreams wst-transport.xml configuration file is incorrect.


Contact support.

0301.0062 Error instantiating builder class: {0} for content type: {1}. Details: {2}
Class E

The message mapping in CloudStreams wst-transport.xml or Integration Server's axis2.xml configuration file is incorrect.


Contact support.

0301.0063 Error instantiating message formatter class: {0} for content type: {1}. Details: {2}
Class E

The message mapping in CloudStreams wst-transport.xml or Integration Server's axis2.xml configuration file is incorrect.


Contact support.

CSHeaderTreeTable_Active_Label Active

CSHeaderTreeTable_Add_Header_Label Add Header

CSHeaderTreeTable_Add_Label Add

CSHeaderTreeTable_Add_Row_Label Add Row

CSHeaderTreeTable_Default_Value_Label Default Value

CSHeaderTreeTable_Delete_Header_Label Delete Header

CSHeaderTreeTable_Delete_Row_Label Delete Row

CSHeaderTreeTable_Headers_Label Header(s)

CSHeaderTreeTable_Headers_Not_Available_Message No headers are available to select because no operation is selected on the Operation tab.

CSHeaderTreeTable_Headers_Not_Available_Title Headers Not Available

CSHeaderTreeTable_Headers_Not_Found_Title Headers Not Found

CSHeaderTreeTable_Insert_Row_Label Insert Row

CloudServiceCreationPage_Error Error

CloudServiceCreationPage_Page_Description Specify the location and name for the new cloud connector service.

CloudServiceCreationPage_Page_Title Create a New Cloud Connector Service

CloudServiceCreationPage_Warning Warning

CloudStreams_Provider_Project_Label CloudStreams Provider Project

Menu item label for creating a new CloudStreams Provider Project.

ConnectionAliasSelectionPage_No_Connections_Error_Message No connection pools have been created for the selected cloud application provider.

ConnectionAliasSelectionPage_Page_Description Select the connection pool that the cloud connector service "{0}" will use to connect to the cloud provider.

ConnectionAliasSelectionPage_Search_Message_Text Search Connections

ConnectionAliasSelectionPage_Text_Available_Connection_Pool Available Connection Pools

ConnectionAliasSelectionPage_Text_Name Name

ConnectorParameterTable_6 Add Parameter

ConnectorParameterTable_8 Delete Parameter

ConnectorParameterTable_Add_Parameter_Label Add Parameter

ConnectorParameterTable_Data_Type_Label Data Type

ConnectorParameterTable_Default_Value_Label Default Value

ConnectorParameterTable_Delete_Parameter_Label Delete Parameter

ConnectorParameterTable_Name_Label Name

ConnectorParameterTable_Shift_Down Shift Down

ConnectorParameterTable_Shift_Down_Label Shift Down

ConnectorParameterTable_Shift_Up Shift Up

ConnectorParameterTable_Shift_Up_Label Shift Up

ConnectorParameterTable_Type_Label Type

ConnectorServiceWizard_Wizard_Title New Cloud Connector Service

DUPLICATE_DOC_SELECTION_ERR_MSG The document reference ''{0}'' has already been referred by an existing parameter. Select a different document reference and try again.

Selected a document reference that has already been referred by an existing parameter.


Select a different document reference.

Deploylog_Table_ServerHost CloudStreams Server Host

Deploylog_Table_ServerVersion CloudStreams Server Version

Deploylog_table_serverColumn CloudStreams Server Alias

Description Description:

0300.0008 Connection configuration alias ''{0}'' already registered. Original config was replaced with alias ''{1}''
Class CLS.0300.0008

Managed connection pool aliases must be unique across all CloudStreams connectors.


Locate the duplicate alias name and change its name to ensure no two pool configurations share the same alias.

Error_Generic_Message Operation failed because of the following reason, please check the log files for more details.

Error_Unable_To_Reach_Destination Unable to reach the Resource Destination. Check your Network connection and Hostname.

Group_Column_Connection_Description Connection Description

Group_Column_Connection_Name Connection Name

Group_Column_Connection_Type Connection Type

HeaderPage_Page_Name Headers

HeaderPage_Section_Input Input

HeaderPage_Section_Output Output

HeaderSelectionPage_Available_Headers_Label Available Headers

HeaderSelectionPage_Description Select Header

HeaderSelectionPage_Filter_Text_Message type filter text

HeaderSelectionPage_Header_Label Header

HeaderSelectionPage_Title Header

HeaderSelectionWizard_Title Select Header

IOEditor_Editor_Name Input/Output

ISCloudConnectionNode_Node_Name Cloud Connection

Info_Configure_Login_Operation Configure a Login Operation under Services.

Info_Configure_Logout_Operation Configure a Logout Operation under Services.

Is_Hidden Hide

Lookup_SODescribe soDescribe

Lookup_Selection_Dialog Lookup Selection Dialog

Lookup_Selection_Dialog_Mesage Select a Lookup.

Lookup_Selection_Dialog_Title Lookup Selection

New_Group_Wizard_Description Select a group.

New_Group_Wizard_Title New Group

OperationPage_Business_Object_Label Business Object:

OperationPage_Con_Pool_Label Connection Pool:

OperationPage_Name Operation

OperationPage_Operation_Change_Title Operation change confirmation

OperationPage_Provider_Type_Label Connector Type:

OperationPage_Virtual_Svc_Label Connector Virtual Service:

OperationPage_operation_Label Operation:

ParameterPage_Form_Text_Parameters Parameters

ParameterPage_Page_Name Parameters

ParameterWizardPage_Field_Column Field

ParameterWizardPage_Field_Label_Column Field Label

ParameterWizardPage_Native_Column Native

ParameterWizardPage_SOAP_TYPE_Column SOAP Type

ProviderSelectionPage_Name Name

ProviderSelectionPage_No_Providers_Error_Message No CloudStreams connectors are installed.

ProviderSelectionPage_Page_Description Select a CloudStreams Connector instance to use for the cloud connector service "{0}".

ProviderSelectionPage_Page_title Select the Connector

ProviderSelectionPage_SearchLabel Available Connectors

ProviderSelectionPage_Search_Message_Text Search Connectors

ProviderSelectionPage_Type Type

ProviderSelectionPage_Version Version

Publisher Publisher:

RetrieveBusinessObjs_Operation_Cancelled Business Objects retrieval operation was canceled.

RetrieveBusinessObjs_TaskName Getting Business Objects...

ServiceSelectionPage_No_Services_Error_Message No services exist for the selected cloud application provider.

ServiceSelectionPage_Page_Description Select the service that will be used for the cloud connector service "{0}".

ServiceSelectionPage_Page_Title Select the Service

ServiceSelectionPage_Search_Label Available Services

ServiceSelectionPage_Search_Message_Text Search Services

ServiceSelectionPage_Text_Name Name

SummaryPage_Business_Object Business Object:

SummaryPage_ConnectionPool Connection Pool:

SummaryPage_Name Name:

SummaryPage_Namespace Namespace:

SummaryPage_Operation Operation:

SummaryPage_Package_Name Package:

SummaryPage_Page_Name Summary

SummaryPage_Provider Connector:

SummaryPage_Provider_Type Connector Type:

SummaryPage_Service_Name Service Name:

SummaryPage_Version_Number Version Number:

0300.0121 Added 'X-Amz-Date' header: {0}
Class CLS.0300.0121

Amazon v4 signature requests require a 'Date' or 'X-Amz-Date' header be sent with request.


Use this message to debug AWS signature authentication failures.

0050.0366 Could not delete the STS configuration file with path {0}

An attempt to delete the file indicated in the message was not successful.


Ensure that the STS config file under [IS_INSTALL_DIR\packages\WmCloudStreams\config\resources\security\sts] is present and not locked by any other application, for example, opened in an editor like Notepad. Also, check the log file to see if there is any java IOException related to disk errors. ESB

confirm.listener.enable Do you want to enable the '{0}' listener? When a listener is enabled, you will not be able to change the listener's subscription and event actions from webMethods Designer Service Development. CloudService

g11ndsp_run_as_user Run As User

redirect.uri Redirect URI

redirect.uri.note Add this URI in the Redirect URIs (Callback URL) field of the OAuth application settings section, in your SaaS provider. CloudStreams Service Multi-page Editor Cloud Connector Service