Migrate Infrastructure Data Collector
1. If the new and old Infrastructure Data Collectors are on the same machine, make sure the old Infrastructure Data Collector is shut down.
2. If you want to migrate SNMP asset configuration files, go to the new_Software_AG_directoryinfrastructuredc/bin/migrate/old_release directory and open the snmpMigration.properties file. Enter the full paths to the old and new SNMP configuration directories. The contents of the file show the format to use.
3. You can migrate using either of two methods.
To migrate using
Command Central, use the
Command Central command below. If you want to use a custom migration, first run the migration utility manually to create the custom migrate.dat file (see
Migrate Products Using Migration
Utilities for instructions), and then specify the migrate.dat file on the
importFile parameter .
sagcc exec administration product target_node_alias
InfrastructureDC migration migrate
{srcDir|srcFile}=full_path_to_{old_Software AG_directory|ZIP file}