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sagcc exec templates composite generate input
Generates the configurations for a specified run-time component instance and some or all of its child components as a template using input parameters, provided in a template metadata file.
*Command Central syntax:
sagcc exec templates composite generate {--input | -i} filename.xml [options]
*Not supported on Platform Manager.
Arguments and Option
Argument or Option
{--input | -i}
Required. Specifies a template metadata file in XML format. For information about the structure and contents of the input metadata file, see Usage Notes. For more information about the {--input | -i} option, see input.
Optional. The command allows all options supported by the Command Line Interface. For a description of the options, see Common Options.
Usage Notes
*The input file with the template metadata uses the following XML schema:
*To specify that all configurations that are defined in the <configurations> element will be added in the generated template.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<runtimeComponent id="runtimecomponentId1">
<runtimeComponent id="runtimeComponentId2">
*To specify which configurations to exclude from the generated template, set exclude="true" attribute of the <configurations> element. All configurations for the specified run-time components will be added in the template, except the configurations listed in the <configurations> element of the template metadata file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<configurations exclude="true">
<runtimeComponent id="runtimecomponentId1">
<runtimeComponent id="runtimeComponentId2">
The following table describes the parameters in the template metadata file:
Specifies the alias name of the template to be generated.
Specifies the alias name of the installation in which the parent run-time component is installed.
Specifies the ID of the parent run-time component, from which to export configurations. By default, if you do not include any child run-time components, only the configurations for the parent run-time component will be exported.
Optional. Specifies that the generated template will contain all configurations for the specified run-time components, except for the configurations listed in the template metadata file. Valid values:
*true - exclude the configurations listed in the <configurations> element
*false - (default) do not exclude the configurations
Optional. Specifies the IDs of the run-time components for which you want to export configurations. You can specify the ID of the parent run-time component, or one of its child components. You can list multiple run-time components.
Optional. The ID of a specific configuration instance to be exported for the specified run-time component. You can list multiple configuration instances. If you do not specify any configuration instance IDs for a particular run-time component, all configurations for this run-time component will be exported.
Note: If exclude="true" the specified configuration instances will be excluded from the template.
Optional. Specifies that all configurations with this type ID must be included in the template. You can list multiple configuration type IDs.
Note: If exclude="true", all configurations with the specified configuration types will be excluded from the template.
Optional. Specifies whether to parameterize the exported configurations. Valid values:
*true - parameterize the configurations
*false - (default) do not parameterize the configurations
Optional. Specifies a prefix to be added to the exported parameter names. Use this parameter only when parameterize is set to true.
Optional. Use only when updating a template. Specifies whether to overwrite an existing template with the same alias name. Valid values:
*true - overwrite the template
*false - (default) do not overwrite the template
*Templates that are generated using the current CLI command are automatically imported in Command Central.
Example Metadata File for Generating an Integration Server Template
Use the following template metadata file to generate a template named "is-config," which contains all typical Integration Server configurations from the "OSGI-IS_default" Integration Server run-time component in the "local" installation, where configurations will be parameterized, the "is" prefix will be added in front of each exported parameter, and if a template with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<configurations exclude="true">
<runtimeComponent id="OSGI-IS_default">
<runtimeComponent id="integrationServer-default">
Example When Executing on Command Central
To generate a template using the properties, defined in the "my-is-config.xml" template metada file:
sagcc exec templates composite generate -i my-is-config.xml

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