Software AG Infrastructure 10.3 | Working with Software AG Common Landscape Asset Registry | Configuring the Common Landscape Asset Registry to Use the JFrog Artifactory
Configuring the Common Landscape Asset Registry to Use the JFrog Artifactory
Use the following procedure to configure Software AG Common Landscape Registry (LAR) to use the JFrog Artifactory.
*To configure the Common Landscape Asset Registry
1. Create a properties file with the following name:
where mavenRepoName is the name of your binary repository.
2. Add the following properties:
*mavenRepoName is the name of your binary repository.
*host and port are the the hostname and HTTP port where JFrog Artifactory is installed.
*repoKey is the repository key that you specify when you create a new repository.
To obtain the repository key for an existing repository, in the Artifactory, go to the Admin panel and select Repositories > Local.
*username is the user name of an Artifactory user with administrator privileges.
To add a new Artifactory user with administrator privileges, in the Artifactory, go to the Admin panel and select Security > Users > New. Specify values for the required fields and select the Admin checkbox.
*apiKey is the API key for the user.
To obtain the API key for a user, in the Artifactory, go to Edit Profile > Authentication Settings > API Key > Generate.
For more information about the values to specify for the properties, see the Artifactory documentation.
3. Copy the properties file to Software AG_directory /profiles/CCE/configuration/com.softwareag.platform.config.propsloader.