ActiveTransfer Messages

1003 Error while initializing ActiveTransfer database connection.The original error message was: {0}

2001 Invalid or unsupported RDBMS vendor: {0}.

2002 The database connection pool associated with ActiveTransfer should allow at least 2 connections. Your ActiveTrasnfer pool is currently configured with a maximum of {0} connections. Aborting TN startup. Please increase your ActiveTransfer database pool maximum and restart the server.

2003 There was an error while reading the dbops.sql file. The original error message was: {0}

2004 There was an error while reading the dblimits.cnf file. The original error message was: {0}

2005 A connection was returned to the connection pool with autoCommit = false. This may indicate some changes to the database were not committed properly. The changes will be rolled back. Stack trace {0}

2006 ActiveTransfer database pool is not configured. Please configure a database pool for functional alias "ActiveTransfer".

2007 There was an error while connecting to ActiveTrasnfer connection pool.The original error message was: {0}

2008 ActiveTransfer database pool is not configured properly. Make sure that a valid database pool is assigned for functional alias "ActiveTransfer".

2009 Error while reading the database configuration. The exception message is : {0}

2011 ActiveTransfer could not retrieve data from your database. Go to the JDBC Pools page in the Integration Server Administrator and make sure your database URL, user name, and password are set correctly. Also make sure you created the ActiveTrasnfer database tables as described in the Product Installation Guide.

3001 A scheduled action with this name already exists.

3004 Unable to save scheduled archive service "{0}".

3009 Interval value for fixed interval {0} cannot be empty.

3010 Interval value is not valid.

3011 Interval must be greater than zero.

3012 The scheduled {0} is invalid. Format must be YYYY/MM/DD.

3013 The scheduled {0} is invalid. Format must be hh:mm:ss.

3020 The scheduled delivery date/time is in the past.

3021 If an end time is supplied, an end date must also be supplied.

3022 End date/time is in the past.

3023 End date/time is before start date/time.

3024 Could not construct a valid timestamp from this schedule. Dates must be in YYYY/MM/DD format and times must be in hh:mm:ss format.

3025 Delivery schedule dates must be in the format "YYYY/MM/DD" and times must be in the format "hh:mm:ss".

3031 A post process event with this name already exists.

3032 The action name "{0}" repeats for multiple actions in this event. Retry with unique action names.
Class E

Each action defined in an ActiveTransfer event must have a unique name.


Specify a unique name for each action in an ActiveTransfer event.

3033 The action name cannot be null.

3034 Scheduled event "{0}" does not exist. Retry with an existing scheduled event.
Class E

The scheduleName parameter provided for the wm.mft.schedule:executeEvent service is not a valid scheduled event in ActiveTransfer.


Ensure that the scheduled event name specified by the scheduleName parameter is defined in ActiveTransfer.

4003 Update of asset failed.
Class E

ActiveTransfer Server could not update the asset.


Check the ActiveTransfer error logs for details.

4005 Insertion of asset failed.
Class E

ActiveTransfer could not insert the asset on the target server.


Check the ActiveTransfer error logs for details.

4006 The export file name cannot be null.
Class E

The exportData service could not execute because no export file was specified.


In the exportFileName parameter, specify the path and name of the XML file in which to save the exported assets.

4007 The import file name cannot be null.
Class E

The importData service could not execute because no import file was specified.


In the importDataFileName parameter, specify the path and name of the XML file containing the assets to import.

4008 The import file {0} does not exist.
Class E

The specified file containing the assets to import does not exist.


In the importDataFileName parameter, specify a valid path and name of the XML file containing the assets to import.

4009 The import file {0} cannot be read.
Class E

ActiveTransfer Server could not read the specified import file.


In the importDataFileName parameter, specify a file name that ActiveTransfer Server can access.

4010 Specify values for input parameter {0} or set input parameter all to true.
Class E

The "all" input parameter for the importData service is set to "false," but no assets are specified to import.


Either set the "all" input parameter to "true" or specify the assets to import in the "importData" parameter.

4011 The value of input parameter assetType of {0}[{1}] is null. Specify a value for the asset type.
Class E

ActiveTransfer Server could not import the asset for the indicated importData document because no asset type was specified.


Specify a value in the assetType variable for each asset type you want to import.

4012 No assets to import.
Class E

The export file is blank or the assets selected for import are not in the export file.

4013 The version information in the import file cannot be null.
Class E

The version information in the import file is null. ActiveTransfer supports import of assets into ActiveTransfer 9.5 or later. The server could not find version information in the file the importData service is attempting to import.


4014 The version information provided in the file for Import operation is {0}, only the data exported from version {1} can be imported.
Class E

ActiveTransfer supports the export of assets from version 9.5 or later. This export file was created from an earlier version of ActiveTransfer

4015 A reference is not available on the target server. Reference details- type:{0}, name:{1}, and ID:{2}.
Class E

A reference to a server instance is not available on the target server.

4016 assetType element not found in XML.

7001 A server with the same protocol and 'host + port' combination already exists.

7002 A server tunnel with the same name already exists.

7003 Error while updating the server. Check the logs.

7004 A proxy instance with the same host and port combination already exists.

7005 A proxy instance with the same name already exists.

8001 An invalid template has been specified for the user. Template ID:{0}

8002 A user template with the same name already exists.

8003 A user with the specified id does not exist. User ID:{0}

8004 The user does not have an associated template. User ID:{0}

8005 The user ''{0}'' already exists.

8006 No default user template is defined in ActiveTransfer. Please create a default user template before creating a user.

8007 Default template cannot be deleted.

8101 A virtual folder with the same name already exists.